
25 Rules Of Disinformation

I put this together when I worked on another site a while back and thought I’d post it here too. As we attempt to navigate through rampant disinformation on the internet in our search for the truth, it’s helpful to know the tactics used by professional disinformation agents. From Twenty-Five Ways … Read More

“Asteroid” Impact Predicted for September 2015 Fake?

…For those who wish to see more evidence, I suggest you check out my videos “It’s About Time to Break the Spell” and “Weapons of Mass Deception”. In these videos I have CLEARLY demonstrated that the planes which supposedly went into the twin towers were holograms. Aluminum planes CANNOT fly … Read More

Psychology and Psychiatry: Rotten to the Core

In order to love others, do we need to love ourselves? Are we supposed to forgive ourselves? Psychology and it’s attitudes are deeply ingrained in our Christian culture today. It’s made it’s way into our pulpits, beliefs and “Christian” activities from seminars and renewal weekends to entire “emergent,” “positive faith” churches.   the language … Read More

Geoengineering, Fukushima radiation, & the Transhumanist Agenda

By Alfred Lambremont Webre 1. Geoengineering is the use of environmental warfare technology (principally the HAARP/chemtrails weapon of mass destruction) to terraform Earth and implement the Transhumanist Agenda VIDEO: HAARP-Chemtrails WMD Exposing a Spiritual Mass Mind-control and Planetary Assault                 with Alfred Lambremont Webre WATCH ON YOU TUBE: ARTICLE:   2. The … Read More

DNA Shaming Is Coming

James Corbett The International Forecaster Just when you thought you’d heard it all, along comes a story that knocks you from your horse. This week’s addition to the “We’re not in Kansas anymore” file comes from Hong Kong, where the “Hong Kong Cleanup” initiative has found an innovative way to … Read More

Fritz Springmeier & Timothy Alberino – Illuminati Infiltration of Christianity

In this interview, Timothy Alberino and Fritz Springmeier discuss the insidious infiltration of the Illuminati into Christian churches, organizations and ministries. Fritz Springmeier is a world renowned researcher and writer, and is widely considered to be the foremost expert on the Illuminati. His magnum opus, Bloodlines of the Illuminati, details … Read More

Moret & Battis: Jesuits behind 1979 Iranian crisis and 2015 Jade Helm to destroy US constitution

While their spiritual views are seem to be of Oneism/New Age, these are two brilliant people and this is informative. This gets real interesting at minute marker 49 or so, with Laurens Battis discussing the long time history of the great plan to subjugate the human race. Also interesting is … Read More

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