
The Fourth Horseman Of The Apocalypse – Sharon Gilbert

HHA | 12/2/2014   “If you like it, share it!” SPECIAL GUEST: Sharon K. Gilbert Detroit goes dark…Drudge and WND websites down this morning….FBI warnings about cyber-attacks….what is happening?  Are you ready?  Rick’s guest today is Sharon K. Gilbert, author of Ebola and the Fourth Horseman of the Apocalypse. YOUTUBE … Read More

The “Conspiracy Theory” Label: Powerful Tool of Media Disinformation and Political Discourse

HHA | 11/26/2014 Disinformation and Political Discourse Cognitive Infiltration for the Masses Prof. James F. Tracy | Global Research | 2014 On March 18, 2014 Cass Sunstein released his latest collection of essays,Conspiracy Theories and Other Dangerous Ideas.[1] Like his other works geared toward a mainstream readership, the prominent Harvard law professor, … Read More

Ferguson Protests – False Flag To Push Gun Control And Start Civil War?

HHA | 11/26/2014 Miranda Blue | 11//26/2014 | RWW End Times radio host Rick Wiles interviewed Gun Owners of America’s Larry Pratt on his program yesterday, and the conversation inevitably drifted to whether the Ferguson protests are in fact a false flag operation to give President Obama political cover to unilaterally implement … Read More

The Federal Reserve Is At The Heart Of The Debt Enslavement System That Dominates Our Lives

HHA | 11/26/2014 Michael Snyder | 11/24/2014 | The Economic Collapse From the dawn of history, elites have always attempted to enslave humanity.  Yes, there have certainly been times when those in power have slaughtered vast numbers of people, but normally those in power find it much more beneficial to … Read More

Tim Hawkins – Atheist Kids’ Songs

HHA 11/24/2014 In light of the coming thanksgiving holiday, remember that the atheist is never at more of a loss than when he feels profoundly grateful and has no one to thank. I saw this video of Tim Hawkins and couldn’t resist….

More Evidence EbolaGate Is False Flag Strategy

HHA | 11/24/2014 Just in case you’re still unclear on what all this Ebola “scare” is about… Jon Rappoport | Contributor | I have presented this information, in depth, in other recent articles. Here I present the bare bones. Q: What is the major psychological factor at work here? A: Above all … Read More

Illuminati Plans In America 2015 – Video

HHA 11/24/2014 Published on Nov 23, 2014 by Jason A Facebook Page:… Illuminati New world order plans martial law signs rfid chip islam power grid takedown Link to clip of military vehicles on the street:… FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational … Read More


HHA | 11/22/2014 By David Ruben | 11/15/2013 Brilliant , that is how all dictators, fascists, socialists and communists have high jacked entire generations of unsuspecting citizens and have indoctrinated them without even knowing that their brain is being remote controlled. That is what is happening to our children and students … Read More

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