
Donald Trump Says The Earth Is Flat

This was sent to me today. I hadn’t seen it before. Apparently, the president elect is a flat earther, as reported by CNN? Clearly, there are some questions about Trump: And while this will definitely bring some respect to the globe deniers, I can’t help but wonder where the narrative is planning on taking … Read More

Dwayne Kellum Flat Earth Experiments

HHA | Yvonne Nachtigal Dwayne Kellum conducts his own experiments with balloons to prove that the earth is not a spinning ball. I think you’ll agree that the simplicity of his videos makes them all the more compelling. The Flat Earth Theory There’s disinformation galore on this topic. On one hand we’ve … Read More

ROBOBEES Are Being Built To Pollinate Crops Instead Of Real Bees

I was wondering how they were planning to deal with the poisoning of our precious honeybees… ! Business Insider Honeybees, which pollinate nearly  one-third of the food we eat , have been dying at unprecedented rates because of a mysterious phenomenon known as  colony collapse disorder (CCD). The situation is so dire that in late … Read More

Quantum Mysticism Goes to Market

This is the conclusion of a 9 part series on Herescope, examining the teachings of popular “end times” prophecy teachers. Herescope COSMS, CODES, AND CRYPTOLOGIES,  ConclusionIt becomes a slippery spiritual slope when pagan myths are believed to be informants of biblical truth. Subjects like those being raised by the Horns … Read More

CERN’s Big Bang Research is a BIG FRAUD

I posted in a previous article, that the Big Bang Theory is yet another manifestation of mystical Kabbalah and not true science. If that’s true, then what does it say about popular prophecy teachers who are bringing us “Quantum Christianity.”  Quantum spirituality is warned about by Warren B. Smith warns in … Read More

How the “Quantum Christ” (God is in everything) is Transforming the World . . . and Entering the Church

From the Lightouse | Warren B. Smith The New Age/New Spirituality is already heralding quantum physics as a “scientific” basis for their contention that God is not only transcendent but also immanent—“in” everyone and everything. Physicist Fritjof Capra’s 1975 best-selling book on quantum physics—The Tao of Physics: An Exploration of … Read More

Kabbalistic Seeds of Astrophysics, Evolution, and Quantum Theory

I’ve been looking into the relation between Kabbalah and theoretical science for the final section of my Fallen Angel Human Hybrid Myth series, specifically the topic of Transhumanism. It’s astonishing how deep this goes into many things being presented to us today as “science.” I hope you’ll take some time to … Read More

Mass Mind Control – Technologies That Control Human Behavior – Government Scientist Reveals

HHA | Yvonne Nachtigal Can the government control (and read) your mind directly, causing physical symptoms such as headaches, the inability to concentrate or even cancer? From the extreme, deliberate creation of multiple programmed personalities, to the individual targeting, intimidation, and elimination of citizens who dare to think critically, there … Read More

Global Earth History

Plane Not A Planet 300 BC; Greek Philosophers Plato and Aristotle models Geocentric Theory with Earth as a Sphere. Aristotle publishes in his book “On the Heavens”. 200 BC; Greek Aristarchus of Samos placed Earth and other planets in motion around the central Sun but rejected by Aristotleans. 140 CE; Cladius Ptolemy of Alexandria devised complex … Read More

Chemtrail Video Producer’s “Dream” – (Voice to Skull?) One Month Before Near Fatal Car Accident

Doug Diamond is the producer of the Chemtrail awareness DVD that contains my video “Chemtrails a Christian Perspective.” This is his interview with Dr Rima about a dream he had on March 11, 2016, one month, to the day, before his car “accident” on April 11th in which he was severely … Read More

Flat Earth: Who Owns The World? Have No Doubt.

Mr. Walter Veith’s accurate, documented presentation clearly revealing who is behind world events. In spite of his futurist interpretation of scripture, there is a wealth of excellent information in this video. I’ll preclude it with excerpts from a comment made by the Youtube user, PearlDiver: …I believe the info about the … Read More

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