
The Biblical Flat Earth: Quotes Of The Early Church Fathers And Protestant Reformers

Philip Stalling Let us now consider what Godly men before us had to say regarding the earth before and during the time of Copernicus. Copernican timeline: 1515: Copernicus’ ideas in circulation throughout Europe 1516: Pope asks Copernicus to reform the calendar 1533: Copernicus has audience with Pope Clement VII 1536: … Read More

Mind Control, The Globe, and Quantum Theoretical Science

The importance of understanding the true nature of the earth. Christian Observer | by Yvonne Nightingale | from May 2017 Who are we? Where are we? Why are we here? What is wrong? What is the answer? The existential questions have plagued man from the beginning of time. They are the … Read More

The Predictive Programming of Inevitablism (and other Distractions)

CO | Yvonne Nachtigal “It is only when people think they are not buying something, can the real sales pitch begin.” (Michael Hoffman) As many believers are working to combat the tangible evils in the world through prayer-guided-action, fascinating distractions have others running off every which way (Eph 4:14), from … Read More

Brian Mullin’s First Video

I really wish I knew what happened to Brian Mullin. Here is the first of his many brilliant videos. We have been so inconceivably lied to. “I am the way the TRUTH and the life. No man comes to the father but through me.” Jesus – Jn 14:6


Since his disappearance from social media early last year, I keep coming back to the question, as I’m sure many of you have, ‘What happened to Brian Mullin?!” Every so often I do searches for his name, trying to find an update… In a very credible, down-to-earth manner, the flat … Read More

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