
The Purpose and Origins of Futurism

Want to understand where the commonly held belief in a “7 Year Tribulation” and all the associated “End Times” teachings came from. Here you go! If you’re like me you’re asking, “What’s Futurism?” This lengthy study covers in greater detail the origins and purpose of Futurism, from which came Dispensationalism, as … Read More

Paul’s Reply to Dispensational Error and Coming Millennial Reign of Christ

“What exactly is Dispensationalism?” Most of us are aware that dispensationalism is a doctrine relating to interpreting prophecy but I, for one, didn’t know until recently just how strongly it has influenced the church during the past 150 years or the powerful role it plays in the New World Order … Read More

MUST WATCH! – Pastor Richard Wurmbrand – Recalls the 14 Years He Spent In A Communist Prison

-MUST WATCH VIDEO BELOW! – THIS IS COMMUNISM – THE NEW WORLD ORDER IS COMMUNISM – Like many Christians, I originally believed that the New World Order was a fulfillment of “End Times Prophecy”. If you’ve watched my video “Chemtrails: A Christian Perspective” You know that’s no longer the case. … Read More

Chemtrails: A Christian Perspective

UPDATE* August 2, 2018 In addition to apathy, as I conclude in the video, the dispensational/premillennial interpretation of prophecy was created to gain christian support of the physical state of British Israel and condone the terrorist activities and race hatred of Zionism. Ultimately this will lead to an embracing of … Read More

The Source of Church Apathy (in search of)

  Lately my ongoing search for answers to the question of apathy in the church toward the advancement of the New World Order and all it’s associated poisonings, mind control, sciences, false spiritual teachings, etc, has continually led me to events that took place in the 19th century. Initially I … Read More

Blanket Support for Israel’s Government Challenged By Evangelicals

More and more Evangelicals are turning from the decades long unquestioning ‘Judeo-Christian’ support for Israel. As this story from the Washington Post reveals, an awakening to the injustices against Palestinians is underway. There are prominent Evangelical Christians who are waking up to this reality and working diligently to bring peace and justice to … Read More

Zionists Behind The Scofield ‘Bible’ – It’s Powerful Effect On Modern Christianity

The Source Of The Problem In The Mideast – Part 2 – Why Judeo-Christians Support War By C. E. Carlson The French author, Alexis de Tocqueville, wrote Democracy in America when he traveled here in the first third of the 19th Century. In ringing tones he sang the praises of America’s invulnerable strength … Read More

The Vatican and the Pre Flood World – Timothy Alberino

UPDATE 6/17/2016 Upon uncovering the fallacy of Dispensationalism, founded by Freemason, John Nelson Darby (see the second section of my video ) I now agree with Herescope’s Gaylene Goodroad on her assessment of the pre-flood world. See:, specifically that the Nephilim were not the result of a sexual union between man and … Read More

UPDATE: CERN, Apollyon, Gateways, Book Of Revelation…

UPDATE September 14, 2016 – Since the posting of this article I’ve become convinced that SkywatchTV, and the “prophecy experts” of our time are part of the end times script, founded on “Dispensationalism” / “Futurist” eschatology.  Please see my video “Chemtrails A Christian Perspective” for more on the “end times script.” We … Read More

Transhumanism In Bible Prophecy

UPDATE 9-7-2021: This was posted prior to my seeing through the deceptions of Dispensationalism, so I am not in agreement with the author’s views on Transhumanism in Bible Prophecy. I’m leaving it up because of the accurate information about the Transhumanist movement, but I see Transhumanism as yet another “smoke-and-mirrors” … Read More


ABOUT THIS SITE In January 2011, during surgery to remove a large benign meningioma (brain tumor), I awoke to myself in another realm. It was a glorious place unlike I anything I’d ever known. What I had is popularly called a “Near Death Experience” (NDE). After my illness and the experience … Read More

Age Of Deceit – The NWO Big Agenda

**Edited 4/13/16 – After tracing the history of Dispensationalism, I no longer adhere to the belief that fallen angels intermarried (had sex with) human women who gave birth to offspring who were giants in the anti-deluvian era, nor do I agree with the use of extra biblical books such as … Read More

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