
Two GeoEngineering Activists Are Putting The Gov’t in a State of Panic

BY  on APRIL 14, 2015

By now you have witnessed streaks of white trailing across the sky, stretching from horizon to horizon, ultimately turning our once beautiful blue heavens into a murky haze. We can no longer ignore the fact that our skies are being heavily polluted with aluminum, barium, strontium, lead, arsenic, and more. All of which attribute to a whole host of health problems.

The truth is the government has been spraying deadly chemicals in our skies in hopes of population reduction. Furthermore they have also been using geoengineering as biological testing agents on the populace; all while claiming they are nothing more than mere vapor.

We’ll now we have 110% undeniable proof that our government is purposefully supporting this experimentation on the population. In the video below I interview two hardcore geoengineering activists,Marie Snow and Cori Gunnels, who not only got their name put on the map because of their encounter with mysterious chemical fibers (read about that here), but also because they have been collecting tangible data making the case to prove once and for all, that we are being littered by geoengineering chemicals in our food, water, and our bodies. We dive through many blood samples, rain samples, air particulates samples, and discuss their personal encounters with the various branches of government who ultimately gave them the run-a-round.

If you were a skeptic before, I can assure you, that you will NOT be after hearing what they have to say to the people in power…

YouTube video


Here is the original story Cori and Marie Snow Witnessed in Regards to the Mysterious Chemical Fibers that Were Dropped in Arizona:

Arizona Aircraft Drops Mysterious Fibers From the Sky and You Won’t Believe The Test Results and How Local Media Was Caught Lying About it! Plus Documentation Proving the DOD can Experiment on the Populace. 


Here is the meeting we referenced in the interview. It is the official Arizona Department of Environmental Quality Meeting With Senator Kelli on Chemtrails:

YouTube video



Below are a whole host of samples gathered by Marie and Cori (These are just a FEW of the many samples they carried): 


Air Particulates Found in Phoenix Arizona in 2009 showing at toxic levels:



Snow Sample showing elevated levels of Aluminum, Barium, and Strontium



Blood work showing elevated levels of Barium and Strontium:


(Cori’s Sample Below) 



Rain Water Samples Showing Elevated Levels of Aluminium, Barium, and Strontium:



Here is a letter from U.S. Senator Dean Heller all out admitting Geoengineering exist:




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