
The Helix Delusion

The scientific revolution brought needed advancements in the field of medicine, but along with them came a false cosmology to support the godless theory of evolution and other theoretical constructs that are rooted in mystery school teachings. I’ve posted about how the organized church has embraced these as their own, … Read More

Little Greta Thunberg in Her Great Big Role

‘We learn from history that we do not learn from history.” – Hegel Hitler spelled it out in his book “Mein Kampf“; “Whoever has the youth has the future.” Unfortunately, too few have ever read Mein Kampf or anything else regarding how public opinion is manipulated by the power elite. … Read More

Mattel Releases “Gender-Neutral” Barbie, Promotes it with Preposterous Video

This is disgusting. In our “scientifically advanced” society we are being asked to disregard basic biology. The question people should be asking themselves is “Who is pushing this and why?” Clearly, it isn’t these children who are just parroting their parent’s ideas. The satanic cult that is taking (has taken) … Read More

HORRIBLE NOAHIDE SACRIFICE Renewing the Covenant of Noah for the “70 Nations” – Video (Warning Graphic)

UPDATED 9/28/19 Here is video of the Noahide sacrifice that was performed this morning… Warning: This is graphic. The unspeakably cruel deed is at roughly the 20 time marker. If you don’t have a strong stomach I strongly recommend that you skip it because this poor animal suffered a tortuously … Read More

!Noahide Law, Not Sharia Law Is The Threat!

By Chuck Baldwin September 26, 2019 The Pharisees, Scribes, Elders and Priests of Israel were the great enemies of the Lord Jesus Christ. It was they who led the Hebrew people to crucify Christ and persecute and kill His apostles. These were also the men whose teachings and doctrines would later … Read More

200 Descend. New York. Mt Hermon. Noah!de 600 Flood. United 70 Nations.

Mt Hermon, right on the border with Syria, where hostilities have been building. Watch this area and New York this week! God bless you all! Jesus is LORD! Hear Him! His peace and grace to you all! Syria moving troops to Israel border?… https://bookofenochreferences.wordpre…… Get Esword: Have … Read More


DARPA, European Human Brain Project, and Pentagon advisor Dr. James Giordano describes neuronanorobotic Brain to computer interface mind control weapons for remote monitoring and manipulation of brains neural circuitry. This allows an individuals consciousness to be cloned onto a their very own digital avatar in a Sentient World Simulation on … Read More

Making Israel And Saudi Arabia Great – Chuck Baldwin

Yesterday we saw that something is off about the bombing of the Saudi Arabian oil fields, but even Trump haters don’t seem interested in hearing about it. I hope you watched Many Fishes video pointing out the inconsistencies in the official narrative. Here Chuck Baldwin offers some needed perspective. By … Read More

Day of the Dead Barbie: Just in time for the Red Heifer Sacrifice

I haven’t had a chance to post much about this, but there are events that are planned for late this month that we should be paying attention to: I hope you’ll take some time to read the recent posts by Craig Patin for his in depth study on this. … Read More

What Does it Mean to be Blessed?

CO | Yvonne Nachtigal | Sept 6, 2019 It’s common to hear people saying they’ve been “blessed” by some good fortune in the natural like a new house, job, promotion, or even little things like finding a parking space close to the store. We tend to feel “blessed” when things … Read More

Dr Brown, the Bible or Talmud?

After listening and writing down statements from the debate that Dr Brown had with a rabbi, I felt I needed to address this question. What book will you defend Dr Brown, the Bible or the Talmud? You cannot serve 2 masters. You must decide.

Religious Freedom is Under Attack by Drug Companies

Must watch. Please share. During WWII in Nazi Germany, the gestapo went door to door to give citizens their vaccines. Why don’t we hear about that? All 3 of Laura Hayes children suffered injuries from their “routine” childhood vaccinations, one to the point of being permanently disabled and dependent on … Read More

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