
Christmas Was Once ILLEGAL

We’re made to feel like the Grinch Who Stole Christmas if we even consider the pagan origins of the holiday. But here’s a Fun Fact: Christmas was ILLEGAL in early American history! Bans on Christmas have also been in effect in England and Scotland and it only became legal as … Read More

Beware the BLUE BEAM!

Beware the Optogenetics! Optogenetics (from Greek, Modern optikós, meaning ‘seen, visible’) is a biological technique that involves the use of light to control cells in living tissue, typically neurons, that have been genetically modified to express light-sensitive ion channels. It is a neuromodulation method that uses a combination of techniques … Read More

More Footage of the Merciless Attack Against Californians (I Refuse to Call Them Wildfires)

Neighborhoods are completely DECIMATED. How can anyone believe this was caused by a wildfire? Where are the BODIES? The lack of bodies found in the rubble is reminiscent of 9/11. If Donald Trump is trying to make America great again, why is he allowing the US military to … Read More

The Loneliness of a Christian

Being “awake” can be lonely. Being the only Christian who sees through the false doctrines and deceptions in the church can create an isolation that’s felt most intensely during the holiday season. If you’re experiencing this, know you are not alone. No matter how crazy or bad the times may … Read More

California Wildfires: Role of Undisclosed Atmospheric Manipulation and Geoengineering

MarketWatch SAN DIEGO, November 14, 2018 – California Governor Jerry Brown blames climate change for the currently raging fires in California.  Article by Beatrice Wright A recently published scientific article challenges that assertion, and reveals a fundamentally different underlying cause for the California wildfire severity that officials have neglected to disclose. Published October … Read More

Prophecy Fulfilled or ManMade “End Times Script”? Strange Phenomenon at the Temple Mount

Last year, they built an underground Synagogue under the Temple Mount. Now there are strange, increasingly supernatural events surrounding the Temple Mount. Keep in mind when reading the following two articles, that you are reading their END TIMES SCRIPT, a twisted/PHYSICAL interpretation of prophecy. Everything we’re seeing with Israel serves ONE PURPOSE: … Read More

Facebook Sells Your Personal Information

November 1, 2018 They provide a service. How do they monetize it? By selling your personal information to anyone who wants to manipulate you. by Henry Makow PhD There is a stunning scene in the PBS Frontline documentary broadcast Tuesday and Wednesday where a lawyer demands to see his personal information stored by Facebook. He is … Read More

Obedience or Independence?

In utter contrast to works-based teachings (law), the obedience our Lord taught comes from desiring nothing less than the true life His sacrifice has afforded us. True obedience is true Freedom! If you love Me, keep My commandments. John 14:15 Oswald Chambers Our Lord never insists on obedience. He stresses … Read More

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