
Paypal Joins Thought Police – Limits My Account

Communists Purging Conservatives from Online Platforms Clearly, the Communists that control the US economy have decided to exclude all those who resist induction into their cult. Yvonne Nachtogal relates how Paypal has cut her off.  It’s against the law to refuse to bake a gay wedding cake but it’s fine to deny Internet services … Read More


Since his disappearance from social media early last year, I keep coming back to the question, as I’m sure many of you have, ‘What happened to Brian Mullin?!” Every so often I do searches for his name, trying to find an update… In a very credible, down-to-earth manner, the flat … Read More

Canadian Study Shows Flu Shot Increases Risk Of Contracting Influenza

yournewswire A Canadian study has found the flu shot actually increases a person’s risk of falling ill with the flu and other respiratory illnesses. The peer-reviewed research published in the journal, Eurosurveillance also found repeated yearly flu shot uptake results in an increased risk of contracting influenza. People who receive flu shots … Read More

“America’s Pastor” Billy Graham Exposed

Feb 24, 2018 | Richard Kallberg This post thoroughly exposes the masonic agenda relating to the evangelical preacher known as Billy Graham, who died earlier this week. Due to Billy Graham’s immense popularity in the “Christian” community this information isn’t exactly met with open ears, but it’s important that this material … Read More

The Ghastly Truth Behind Terror

(above) Traitor David Hogg has become a symbol of the staged school shooting psyop in FL Henry Makow Ph.D Almost all terror is staged by the Deep State in order to enslave the people of the West. I am reposting this article written on the occasion of the Paris Massacre in Dec … Read More

Kabbalah and the Androgynous Agenda

According to Kabbalists, Adam, whom they call Adam Ha-Rishon (primoridal human consciousness), was created as both male and female, but was separated into two creatures; “Adam” and “Eve”. The Midrash Rabbah says that, “When the Holy One created Adam [Ha-Rishon], it was androgynous. God created Adam Ha-Rishon double faced, and split him/her so there were … Read More

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