
Citizens Successful in STOPPING Smart Meter Installation on Their Home!

My friends in Arizona recently received the following notice from their utility company stating that all meters must be replaced by smart meters. [gview file=””]   But when they contacted the utility company they were told that they had been “Corporate Blue Lined” and that a meter would never be installed on their home. Why? In 2008 … Read More

The Luminaries, Flat Earth, and Simulation Theory (including video by Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction)

For those waiting for the perfect “flat earth map” and correct explanation of just how it all works… The sun, the moon and the stars (the luminaries)…  What are they? Since many are waking up to the globe model being false, people are wanting to understand their true nature and movement…. … Read More

FLU Epidemics Delivered by Aircraft a Justified Public Health Concern

“No long waiting lines for the shot.” I was honestly a bit startled when a friend recently, quite casually asked me if I’d gotten a flu shot. But most Americans still innocently believe these things are safe and might actually protect them from getting the flu. Harold Saive recently put together … Read More

5G: Cancer, Cell Phone, Wi-Fi, Cell Tower, Wireless Radiation Health Effects

By this time most of us have heard about the UN’s Agenda 21 / Sustainability Agenda that largely amounts to depopulation, however outrageous that might sound. It comes to mind when the news reports a big flu epidemic or “natural” disaster, and certainly, that concern is justified, but by slight of hand, depopulation … Read More

Popular Science 1931: First Man in “Space” Reports a Flat Disk | The Enormity of the Globe Deception

The article below comes from the August, 1931 edition of Popular Science Magazine. There’s ample evidence online of the serious problems with both NASA and the globe model, and that there’s a concerted effort underway to promote an occult based, heliocentric cosmology. The question we need to be asking is “why”? I mean, imagine … Read More

WHAT IS TRUTH? Can Scholars Change Our Understanding of Current Events?

“Truth” is increasingly being seen as relative, unknowable and, perhaps most disturbing; irrelevant. This is not new of course, as Pontius Pilate is so famously quoted at Jesus’ trial, “What is truth?!” (Jn 18:38). While Pilate was talking about spiritual truth, “truth” in general,  has been manipulated by the enemy and the powers that … Read More

“Smart” Technology = Government Surveillance

“Smart” is nothing but a clever marketing word for technology that facilitates government surveillance. The White House understands the realities of smart phones. We should too. Wikileaks ( Analysis CIA malware targets iPhone, Android, smart TVs CIA malware and hacking tools are built by EDG (Engineering Development Group), a software development group within … Read More

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