
NASA Plans For 2025 Actual Documents Revealed

SHOCKING NASA DEEP STATE PLANS FOR 2025 DEPOPULATION CULLING ACTUAL DOCUMENTS REVEALED! from Kerry Fritz II on Vimeo. The document itself is startling, though, as are some others I came across in my archives when I was looking for this one. [gview file=””] ( Again, given some technologies the Air Force has … Read More

Mathemagick, the language of Scientism

Naturalistic science believes that nature is all that there is to reality and that the natural world maintains itself without any outside, divine influence or control. Since that effectively demotes the supernatural to mere superstition, naturalism creates a problem for those who place their faith in a SUPERNATURAL God: “He stretches out … Read More

California Fires – Insurance Companies Know About Weather – Electro-Magnetic Weapons

According to Aircrap writer, questions about directed energy weapons causing the bizarre California fires may be only the beginning of woes. Noting that: When in Tampa (1990’s) they constructed a food irradiation plant over sink holes 25 miles east of my home.  When looking at my home insurance policy, radiation damage … Read More

California Fires – Wind Speeds too low to blame PGE

Evidence of DEW – Directed Energy Weapons [masterslider id=”2″] inTruthbyGrace Debunked – ‘The causes of the fires are under investigation. But officials said their spread was aided by strong winds Sunday night, with some gusts of more than 70 mph.’ The news will NOT cite their sources for their outrageous wind … Read More

California Fires – DEW – Directed Energy Weapons

Aircrap Yes, this is the EXACTITUDE OF DESTRUCTION offered by AI (artificial intelligence) – run directed energy weapons attacks dependent upon our ionized, electrified atmosphere: structures gone, trees intact. For the military mind, it’s impressive, indeed. All the nano-aluminum particles in the buildings and soil after years of drought, years … Read More

Directed Energy Weapons Involved in Northern California Fires?

10/13/2017 | CO (Update 10/24, 2017 – links with information about these technologies at bottom of article) We are facing a new kind of terrorism; UNnatural Disaster Terrorism. With multiple eyewitness accounts of “blue flashes”, and scenes reminiscent of 9/11, the Northern California “wildfires” are as unnatural as can be. The … Read More

Jonathan Cahn’s Paradigm

According to the writings of occult leaders, Kabbalah Initiation must occur worldwide before their “Moshiach”/messiah can return. That is Jonathan Cahn’s “assignment”:  to initiate Christians into Kabbalah… Christian Observer | YNightingale Best Selling author and head of the largest Messianic congregation in America, Jonathan Cahn is influencing the theology, eschatology and … Read More


This article originally appeared on State of the Nation as False Flags are Legal Propaganda by the Department of Defense on January 18, 2016. WHY WOULD THE GOVERNMENT SUPPORT FALSE FLAG EVENTS? This question would go through our minds every time we would see a new false flag event plastered all over the media.  … Read More

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