
MUST WATCH!! “Take Back Your Power!” Smart Meter Documentary

Visit the Mercola Video Library Story at-a-glance The smart grid promised to enhance energy security and reduce energy usage. In reality, 80 percent of households that have received a smart meter report increases on their utility bill Thousands of people complain of health problems developing shortly after receiving a smart … Read More

Television: The End of Critical Thought?

Yvonne Nachtigal | Christian Observer | Aug 4, 2017 Why are Americans passively allowing their freedoms to be increasingly compromised? Why are they, citizens of a “free country” submitting to high radiation full body scans without protest just to board an international flight, under the guise of a fabricated “War on … Read More

All Digital TV Broadcast Signal (Silent Sound Mind Control Technology)

Why is it so difficult to reach some people with the truth? Maybe we should consider SSSS, a technology which can be implemented through the HDTV in your own home. This article was written 8 years ago(!) by Gary Rea (from 2009) The mind-altering mechanism is based on a subliminal carrier technology: the Silent … Read More

Wake up to the Rockefeller movie of political reality Jul 24

Wake up to the Rockefeller movie of political reality by Jon Rappoport | July 24, 2017 The key document here is the 2010 Rockefeller Foundation brainstorming exercise, “Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development”. It imagines various disasters and possible responses to them. The report presents a friendly and concerned … Read More


STAGES OF FORCED NANO TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION IN OUR BODIES – by Suzanne Maher I’ve created a chart showing the stages of integration of the nano technology growing and replicating in our bodies. It’s so important for people to understand the assault we are under.  Thanks to Tony P for his help … Read More

Television Is A Mind Control Weapon: Watching TV Puts The Brain Into An Alpha State Similar To Hypnosis

By Sam Chaney | WeaponizedNews.Com The two way telescreen from George Orwell’s 1984 allowed Big Brother to both transmit and receive information. Today in 2015, we have those same telescreens being sold to us as Smart Television (SmartTV). In the Samsung Global Privacy Policy – SmartTV Supplement it states, “We collect, use, … Read More

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