
Here’s Why “Fake News” Sites Are Dangerous

The humiliated mainstream media has recently waged war on what it is calling “Fake News”. – So why is “Fake News” so dangerous? – By Jon Rappoport – Here is your daily mantra: “narrow the range of thought, narrow the range of thought.” Exposing elites who run the world? Exposing pedophile networks? … Read More

Pentecostalism – Good and Bad – And the “End Times”

Talking Pentecostalism | Pentecostalism – The Good and the Bad This excellent lecture and sermon on Pentecostalism by Mikey Lynch (modern and classic), and is honest about what is good and right about Pentecostalism while highlighting what is wrong and even dangerous about some of its emphases and characteristics. Thinking generously and critically about the … Read More

Is the ‘Mark of the Beast’ Literal?

HHA “What is the Mark of the Beast?”… “Don’t receive the Mark!” “Microchips are the Mark!” “Vaccines are the Mark!” … Popular “End Times” prophecy teachers are leading people to be worried about taking the “mark of the beast” as well as ‘the Mark’s’ possible connection to Transhumanism. The speculation … Read More

Benjamin Freedman: Americans Haven’t Been Free for a Long Time

Above, Benjamin H. Freedman, 82, center, receiving an award in 1972. Benjamin Freedman (1890-1984) was a Jewish insider who warned the goyim that, since 1912, the US has been a pawn in the Zionist Conspiracy for world domination (i.e. world government.)    In WW1, Zionists betrayed Germany who offered a generous … Read More

Transhumanism – The New Alchemy

Herescope  THE RESURRECTION OF ANCIENT ALCHEMY  Since Satan’s great fall, man too has attempted to become like God Most High. Down through the centuries rebellious men have stiffened their necks in defiance to the Creator and have devised various methods and religious pathways in vain attempts to morph themselves into … Read More

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