
The Indoctrination Of Our Children Into The “Climate Change” Agenda

This is nothing less than Hitler’s youth all over again. The indoctrination of children has long been used as a means of engineering social change toward dictatorship. This is as blatant as it is disturbing. [fbvideo link=”” width=”500″ height=”400″ onlyvideo=”0 or 1″] “For all David Suzuki’s folksy rhetoric and supposed … Read More

Christians’ Vulnerability to Deceptive Doctrines – FALLEN ANGEL SERIES – Pt 7

CO | by Yvonne Nachtigal Today in the Fallen Angel/Human Hybrid series I want to look more at the changes in the church that have caused Christians to become vulnerable to deceptive doctrines. Layers Upon Layers of Deception You may have run across some of the online prophecy teachers  that … Read More

Fallen Angels Myth in Occultic Jewish Literature – FALLEN ANGEL SERIES – Pt 6

by Yvonne Nachtigal | CO  In this segment of the Fallen Angel/Human hybrid series, we’ll look at what Jewish occult literature, the book of Enoch, and modern prophesy teachers say about the fallen angels and the nephilim. Starting with some dates, according to Robert McRoberts of ancient Talmudic text Targum Pseudo-Jonathan … Read More

Zeitgeist Debunked

The Zeitgeist film has had a great impact. But it’s countless “truths” have no basis in fact. In this full length film, Chris White thoroughly examines the films’ assertions.

Jews: The Unloved People

It seems like Christians are given only two positions about the Jews. 1) To unconditionally support the state of Israel as the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy 2) To reject political Israel, recognize it as part of the New World Order deception and be labeled antisemitic, (even though we’re not)  In … Read More

Wheels Magically Come Off Seattle “Smart” Meter Rollout; City Utility Exposed As Corrupt

By Rebecca Em Campbell Below is the official video of the Seattle City Council’s Select Committee on Seattle City Light’s Strategic Plan 2017-2022 held on July 14, 2016 chaired by Seattle’s Celebrity Socialist, Kshama Sawant. This meeting very fortunately featured the new council woman’s majority minus one member. To save time … Read More

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