

  Grief over the loss of a loved one is often given as the reason that people lose their faith or do not believe in God. Their anger at the God who “took away” their loved one makes it impossible to believe, because they simply cannot conceive of such a … Read More

Paris climate activists put under house arrest using emergency laws

Guardian French police arrest activists for flouting ban on organising protests during climate talks next week  (above) Activists protest against French authorities using emergency law to ban demonstrations at the Place de la Republique in Paris. Photograph: Ian Langsdon/EPA Arthur Neslen Friday 27 November 2015 At least 24 climate activists … Read More

French Police Use Tear Gas at Banned Climate Change Rally in Paris 100 Arrested

Paris police prefect Michel Cadot announced on Sunday that a hundred of activists taking part in the banned climate change rally were arrested after clashes with law enforcement officers on the eve of the Paris Climate Summit. Earlier in the day, French police have used tear gas at a climate … Read More

Anonymous Announces Revenge on “Terrorists”

  I was just on CBN’s Facebook page and they are pushing the “Islamic terrorists” propaganda, big time. But what caught my eye was a video from the hacker/activist group “Anonymous”, in which Anonymous promises to take cyber-revenge on “…terrorists, claimed by yourself; The Islamic State.” As a Christian I’ve been on the … Read More

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