
Paradise, CA Commemorated on MARS?

It’s still unclear exactly what technology produced the Paradise Fire, but I don’t think there are many people who accept the official story, and this recent announcement by NASA seems to confirm that the catastrophic fire was not only a public ritual, but a very significant public ritual. We know, … Read More

Thinking of Prayer as Jesus Taught

Pray without ceasing…  1 Thessalonians 5:17 Our thinking about prayer, whether right or wrong, is based on our own mental conception of it. The correct concept is to think of prayer as the breath in our lungs and the blood from our hearts. Our blood flows and our breathing continues … Read More

The gospel of Jesus Christ ALONE

The gospel is the finished work of Jesus Christ. Period. It’s not Jesus plus law. It’s not Jesus plus liturgical religion. It’s not Jesus plus earthly indulgence. It’s not Jesus plus experiential mysticism. It’s not Jesus plus politics. It’s not Jesus plus science. It’s JUST JESUS!

Why Did Jesus turn Water into Wine?

Tabletalk | by Doug Ponder “Jesus’ first miracle—turning water into wine at the wedding of Cana—is ripe with symbolic echoes of the great themes of Scripture. Why should we expect otherwise? Jesus is not the type to do anything haphazardly. Moreover, John the Apostle tells us that this miracle is … Read More

Nothing New Under the Sun (From Zoroastrianism to End Times Deception)

World events have ramped up to where many now recognize the existence of not only chemtrails, but some sort of an evil plan to bring about global governance. The question now is no longer so much WHETHER something is happening but WHAT is happening, WHAT VERSION of what is happening we … Read More

Gnostic, Chaos Magick Christianity – American Gospel: Official Trailer

American Gospel: Official Trailer Not only are these “name it and claim it,” “decree it and declare it,” and “faith healing” teachers not presenting the gospel, but what they are presenting is Gnostic Chaos Magik. The church has been infiltrated with teachings that come straight from the pit. According to … Read More

Christian Perfection

Not that I have already attained, or am already perfect…  Philippians 3:12 It is a trap to presume that God wants to make us perfect specimens of what He can do— God’s purpose is to make us one with Himself. The emphasis of holiness movements tends to be that God … Read More

The Riches of the Destitute

by Oswald Chambers …being justified freely by His grace…  Romans 3:24 The gospel of the grace of God awakens an intense longing in human souls and an equally intense resentment, because the truth that it reveals is not palatable or easy to swallow. There is a certain pride in people … Read More

The Loneliness of a Christian

Being “awake” can be lonely. Being the only Christian who sees through the false doctrines and deceptions in the church can create an isolation that’s felt most intensely during the holiday season. If you’re experiencing this, know you are not alone. No matter how crazy or bad the times may … Read More

Obedience or Independence?

In utter contrast to works-based teachings (law), the obedience our Lord taught comes from desiring nothing less than the true life His sacrifice has afforded us. True obedience is true Freedom! If you love Me, keep My commandments. John 14:15 Oswald Chambers Our Lord never insists on obedience. He stresses … Read More

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