
Gulf Of Mexico Still Dying: Pathogenic Micro-Organisms Proliferate Due To Polluted Poisoned “BioTerrain”

HHA Image Credits: United States Navy by GULF OIL SPILL REMEDIATION CYBER-CONFERENCE Multitude of oil spills require extraordinary remediation measures There have been several significant developments over the past few decades in the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) which now require special and immediate attention.  The multitude of oil spills — both … Read More

US “Has Gone Totally Insane”

HHA Most Americans have become “Zombified” and oblivious to the current state of war against the citizens of the U.S., and all citizens in the West as a confluence of preplanned events begin to accelerate to an orchestrated, life changing end of the lifestyles and freedoms to which we’ve become … Read More

Michelle Obama’s School Lunches In Pictures: “Is That Photo Taken From Death Row?”

Mac Slavo One of the purported successes of Michelle Obama’s tenure as First Lady of the United States has been to help Americans get fit and eat right. She’s launched a wide array of initiatives targeting Americans receiving government nutritional benefits, as well as school lunch programs across the nation. … Read More

West Coast Disaster Happening Now! What The MSM Isn’t Telling You

The mainstream media is great at pointing readers in the direction they want them to go, reporting what they want people to focus on and downplaying, hiding, burying the information they don’t want you to know, or to rephrase, information they are being told to bury….. so many might not know that along … Read More

The Depopulation Agenda For a New World Order Agenda 21

  We are constantly inundated with poisons forced on us through GMO foods, pharmaceuticals, fluoridated water supply, microwave radiation, and chemtrails. Many buy into the whole global warming/population control agenda because they have been force-fed this garbage their whole lives and are no longer capable of critical thinking. For those … Read More

‘Severe’ drought covers nearly 99.8% of California, report says

LA Times 8/20/2014 Drought conditions may have leveled off across California, but nearly 100% of the state remains in the third-harshest category for dryness, according to the latest measurements. For the past two weeks, California’s drought picture has remained the same, halting a steady march toward worse. But the breather … Read More

Autism Vaccine bombshell: CDC whistleblower reveals cover-up linking MMR vaccines to autism in African-Americans

(NaturalNews) Natural News is currently investigating a breaking story based on a CDC whistleblower stepping forward with shocking proof of an incredible cover-up. According to information available so far, it appears the CDC knowingly engaged in a medical conspiracy to deliberately hide from the public damning evidence about MMR vaccines … Read More

Dying Planet! Get Ready! Beware of Deceivers!

Aug 13, 2014 Reposted…. toned down…. still a counterstrike. People…. you have got to start using your brain. To get sucked in and drink the Coolaid will have consequences for you and your family…. this is serious stuff…. so as not to be afraid…. be prepared and the rest is … Read More

Two suspected Ebola patients flee hospital in Saudi Arabia – Nigerian doctor, released and said recovered from Ebola drops dead – virus may have mysterious latent triggers

Posted on August 20, 2014by The Extinction Protocol August 2014 – SAUDI ARABIA – Two men, displaying suspected symptoms of the Ebola virus, ran away from a rural health center located in the Madinah province of Saudi Arabia on Sunday, a Saudi daily reported. “The two African nationals, who did not have residency permits or … Read More

Weather Modification And The U.S. Military – Dr Sandra Perlingieri!

©Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri | Tats Revolution Photos: John Graf August 21, 2013 This article is dedicated to the courageous people around our planet who have spoken out and written about these crimes. In the ultimate sacrifice, some have given their lives to report the TRUTH. “There’s a war going … Read More

Climate Change Is Being Caused By Electromagnetic Technology – Commercial Application Confirms Military Agenda

Harold Saive | Chemtrails Planet | June 25, 2014 Aquiess, Inc. uses powerful electromagnetic (EM) transmissions (radio waves) to “benevolently” steer huge reservoirs of atmospheric waters to force gentle rain in arid regions. But this same technology in the hands of a globalist military authority can be applied as a weapon for … Read More

Horses Skin Melt Off in California- Fukushima? People Are Next?

Saturday, August 16, 2014 10:35 (Before It’s News) “Nuclear Fallout is the residual radioactive material propelled into the upper atmosphere following a nuclear blast or a nuclear reaction conducted in an unshielded facility, so called because it “falls out” of the sky after the explosion and shock wave have passed. … Read More

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