
We are being PLAYED – Problems / Reactions / Solutions

Are we outraged  yet? They are sure stirring the pot! Two states in the United States of America have officially legalized infanticide. Other states; Idaho and Mississippi to name two, have reacted by passing absolute anti-abortion laws, calling all abortion “murder,” and most Christians would agree. Do we see yet … Read More

House Passes Bill to Force Trump to Nominate “Anti-Semitism” Head who would Monitor Criticism of Israel

If Americans Knew – By Alison Weir On January 11th the U.S. House of Representatives voted 411-1 for a bill that would force President Trump to nominate an anti-Semitism envoy, a position that has been vacant since he took office. The definition of anti-Semitism the position uses includes certain criticisms of Israel. The bipartisan … Read More

Noachide Laws | Nikki Haley & the Queen of Sheba

This Dec 19, 2018 Breaking News Israel article, “Sanhedrin Invites Nikki Haley to be Honorary President of Organization of 70 Nations” sheds light on the agenda behind the migrant invasions and Donald Trump’s “fight” against “globalism”: The “Organization of 70 Nations” under the rule of the Seven Noachide Laws. In the article, … Read More

Nothing New Under the Sun (From Zoroastrianism to End Times Deception)

World events have ramped up to where many now recognize the existence of not only chemtrails, but some sort of an evil plan to bring about global governance. The question now is no longer so much WHETHER something is happening but WHAT is happening, WHAT VERSION of what is happening we … Read More

Donald Trump & “Third Temple” for the Whole World

Inside the mind of “Third Temple” advocates. Jerusalem and the “third temple” received a lot of attention last year. In April 2018, according to the Jerusalem Post, a Passover Sacrifice Ritual was carried out at the foot of the temple mount. The ceremony, which included the slaughtering of a lamb, … Read More

Paradise Fire: Occult Background of the Main Players

“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.” Eph 6:12 Betsy, The Captain and The Eye of the Fire by Craig Patin In Part … Read More

Gnostic, Chaos Magick Christianity – American Gospel: Official Trailer

American Gospel: Official Trailer Not only are these “name it and claim it,” “decree it and declare it,” and “faith healing” teachers not presenting the gospel, but what they are presenting is Gnostic Chaos Magik. The church has been infiltrated with teachings that come straight from the pit. According to … Read More

Is Hannukah (Chanukah) Biblical?

Hanukkah is the ‘Festival of Lights’, the Ingathering of the Symbolic 1000 points of Light which represents those Enlightened & Initiated into the Luciferian doctrine, The Magicians & Alchemists who have been Subconsciously Initiating you into the Mystery School Religion also known as Gnosticism & Gnostic Christianity. December 21st, the … Read More

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