
Speculations on Hermeticism and World Collapse: From Darkness To Light

As I’ve covered in many articles; the Luciferian New Age is being presented as the coming “Millennial Reign” in Christian Futurist eschatology and anticipated as the “Golden Age of Aquarius” by New Agers. This is the endgame of all the turmoil/mind control we’re currently witnessing. Contrary to what conservatives believe … Read More

Partial Truth That Leads to a False Light

“Awakening” has become a household word, but it has different meanings depending on who you’re talking to, so we need to be very discerning. This site has a lot of information about the World System and social engineering that has largely formed our worldview/paradigm/egregore. But the trouble is that the … Read More

Australian WEAPONISED Rain “BOMB” From Hell Leaves 100’s Dead and Continues…

While the media churns out Wag the Dog theater and silly Grammy’s antics, things are far worse in Australia than they are letting anyone know. “Jayne,” who lives in Australia, left this desperate comment on there’s nothing new: “(For those who cold give a ****.) Been sick after being in … Read More

Thoughts On The Ukraine “War” Psyop & Controlled Opposition

All the world’s a stage and those in power want your focus on their carnal world theater. They want you to take sides. Divide and conquer – Order out of Chaos. In Canada, truckers (and their supporters) are still suffering the aftermath of their great protest. Like the dictator he … Read More

The Convoy, Engineered Social Divisions & The Church

Updated 2/8/22 Downplayed by the MSM and celebrated by millions opposed to medical tyranny, the Canadian trucker’s Convoy is making a clear statement to government officials: The people have had enough! But the question is, will authorities be swayed or has this been part of their plan from the beginning? … Read More

Serpents Everywhere Part 3: Antarctic Melting, “Doomsday Glacier” & Doorways to an Occult Worldview

In Antarctica: A Closed System and a Very Deep Rabbit Hole, Paul Zietsman argues that the purpose of geoengineering is to delay the melting of the lake of fire (which he believes is located under West Antarctica) until the Fallen Angels can find a way “to deal with God.” He … Read More

Drag Queens Then and Now

“A woman shall not wear a man’s garment, nor shall a man put on a woman’s cloak, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord your God. (Deut 22:5) “Drag Queen Story Hour has been a perversion plaguing public libraries and schools around the nation for several years but … Read More

A Great Coming Deception | Viganò and Naïve Evangelicals

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has long been an outspoken critic of Pope Francis, and the “parallel counterfeit” / “aberrant” element of the Roman Catholic Church (RCC) that stands opposed to the Church’s traditional teachings on faith and morals. Mel Gibson (The Passion of The Christ) recently published this brief video … Read More

The Jesuits “490” Year Period & Daniel 9’s “490” Year Period

My sister in Christ Cheryl Devine Tuumalo was led to some interesting connections between Daniel’s 490 years and the Jesuits. Originally posted on her Facebook page, she gave me permission to repost it here. By Cheryl Devine Tuumalo I think you may find this to be quite interesting.🤔 Now I … Read More

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