
Will Freedom Survive 2015?

NewsWithViews | Pastor Chuck Baldwin | 1/15/2015 Something as precious and valuable as a nation’s freedom is not lost in a day–or even in a year. There is no single event that turns citizens into slaves. Oppression and tyranny are always long in the planning–and even longer in the making. Granted, there … Read More

Nebraska School District Gets “Politically Correct” Tells Teachers to Use “Gender Inclusive” Terms, Rather Than “Boys” “Girls”

Daily Mail | Oct 2014 The instructional handout for teachers was passed around as Lincoln Public Schools administrators were trying to sensitively address transgender issues Rachel Terry, a parent of children in the school district, sent an email in response to the handouts asking parents to show up at a school … Read More

FACEBOOK Sued for Scanning YOUR Private Messages for THEIR Profit

By “others”, FACEBOOK means that they will “share” your private information for their fun and profit, much to the detriment of your privacy. FACEBOOK is facing the real possibility of paying its users up to $10,000 EACH, for violating their privacy, if the plaintiffs prevail in a developing lawsuit. The case is known as … Read More

The Christmas Murders

By Reverend David Whitney December 28, 2014 A week ago yesterday, in an event that not one paper reported, not one TV or other media outlet described, more than one thousand citizens converged on the capital of the State of Washington at Olympia. They all came armed, weapons fully … Read More

Facebook: Colonialism 2.0

As people go about their day, happily sharing their pics and thoughts on Facebook, much more than meets the eye is at work. Putting the entire planet online… then controlling everything they see or read. December 24, 2014 | Tony Cartalucci – NEO The Western media has attempted to portray Mark Zuckerberg’s … Read More


HHA | 11/17/2014 Paul McGuire | 11/17/2014 | There is a convergence of unprecedented events coming to America and the world that will go into a kind of hyper-drive in 2015 or soon after. It is difficult to set exact dates because there are various forces which can change the dynamic. … Read More

Millions Of Americans Installing ‘Perfect Spying Device’ In Their Own Living Rooms: Amazon Fire TV Monitors And Records Your Conversations

HHA | 11/10/2014 (NaturalNews) is building the CIA’s new $600 million data center, reports the Financial Times. (1) At the same time is building this massive cloud computing infrastructure for the CIA, the company is also shipping millions of Fire TV set-top devices to customers who are placing … Read More

Depopulation Endgame Revealed? Leaked Bilderberg Closing Remarks – 2014

HHA | 11/04/2014 The mysterious depopulation agenda. Why the specified 500,000,000? If the remarks below are authentic, they begin to connect some dots. Also, we know that what is leaked, is most likely intended to be leaked. While their occult symbolism has been “hidden in plain view” for about as … Read More

Wag The Dog?

HHA | 10/16/2014 With the whole world focused on Ebola, the  mid-east activity is being ignored by MSM. Nothing like a pandemic to keep people occupied while you start WWIII. Or, at least, that’s LA Marzulli’s opinion. Commentary & Analysis by L. A. Marzulli 10/16/2014 U.S. says ISIS made ‘substantial gains’ in Iraq … Read More

Smart Meter Victims

Warren Woodward Three typical examples of Smart Meter Victims: 1) My friend, Paul, has very expensive and sophisticated scientific equipment for measuring microwaves, high voltage transients (AKA dirty electricity) and various man-made electromagnetic fields that can pollute a home or work environment. When one of my neighbors, a frail grandmother, … Read More

Mad Science – Genetically Farmed ‘Micro Humans’ Could Be Farmed For Drug Testing By 2017

HHA | 10/2/2014 Eliminating disease with vaccines is the first step in controlling the fate of human biology. Many of us have already accepted we will ultimately be “chipped” as a matter of economic and medical convenience under State managed health care.  ELIMINATING THE UNFIT THROUGH MEDICAL BIO-ENGINEERING Chemtrails The Exotic Weapon … Read More

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