
Chemtrail Video Producer’s “Dream” – (Voice to Skull?) One Month Before Near Fatal Car Accident

Doug Diamond is the producer of the Chemtrail awareness DVD that contains my video “Chemtrails a Christian Perspective.” This is his interview with Dr Rima about a dream he had on March 11, 2016, one month, to the day, before his car “accident” on April 11th in which he was severely … Read More

Communitarianism and Synarchism: A Synthesis of Ideologies

The Communitarian Trap The best way to describe the emerging form of global government is that it is a synthesis of ideas. The communitarian plan for religion ends up being something very similar, which is a New Age synthesis that gives credibility to all religious faiths of the world.  Each faith of … Read More

Categories NWO

What’s In A “Sacred” Name?

I watched the movie “Risen” the other night, which takes the viewer through the death and resurrection of Christ through the eyes of a roman soldier who took part in the crucifixion.  I thought it was a good movie, but something bothered me about it;  They strictly referred to Jesus … Read More

UPDATED – Four Killed as Flash Floods Wreak Havoc in Germany

Update 5/31/16 – In Braunsbach in Baden Würtemberg … 21.00 Germany is generally known for it’s mild climate, but it is currently experiencing unprecedented rain and disastrous flooding. Watching these videos is nothing short of surreal. At this point, people who are still trusting Wikipedia’s description of “chemtrails” (and the … Read More

NBC: “We Could See Microchips In Everyone”!

A recent NBC report says that: “we could see those microchips in everyone” The New World Order totalitarian control is well under way. But is this “The Mark of The Beast”? I don’t think so. Being a book of prophecy, the book of Revelation should be interpreted symbolically, not literally. So, … Read More

The Fraud That Begets All Others

(the “key” to understanding the world today bears repetition)  What’s really behind the ‘New World Order’ that the (worldly) powers-that-be are working so insidiously to bring about? Finance, of course, deceptive financial practices that we are all dealing with whether we like it or not, all with the audacious end … Read More

Portland School Board Bans Literature Denying Climate Change

Activist Post | By Joseph Jankowski There will be no more discussion as to whether or not humans are contributing to climate change in the Portland, Oregon public school system, as the school board plans to ban all material that denies the existence of man-made climate change. Although the topic is still … Read More

The Purpose and Origins of Futurism

Want to understand where the commonly held belief in a “7 Year Tribulation” and all the associated “End Times” teachings came from. Here you go! If you’re like me you’re asking, “What’s Futurism?” This lengthy study covers in greater detail the origins and purpose of Futurism, from which came Dispensationalism, as … Read More

Stop TPP! The San Diego Negotiations/Last Chance To Save Democracy: Day One

By Brett Redmayne-Titley Author’s Note: This is the second part of an ongoing series on the secret TPP negotiations, originally published in 2012 and updated. These negotiations mirror the European/ UK version; TTIP. For Part Oneand information not repeated in this part, See Here. TPP has come to the shores of America and eleven other … Read More

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