
Insight Into The True Purpose Of Chemtrails

(Photo Credit- Steve Quayle) HHA | 9/16/2014 Deaths Coloring Book – (Sky Devils) Visit Steve Quayle By Live Free or Die The amazing photographs below were emailed this morning to Susan Duclos of All News Pipeline by Steve Quayle, who recently took them over his home in Bozeman, Montana, 30 minutes after posting 2 chemtrail/smart dust articles. … Read More

Chemtrail Truthers Unite, a call to arms…

HHA | 9/16/2014 Here is an update after the widespread response to Dr Toran’s post “They Are Killing Us With Chemtrails In Switzerland“. (BIN) Dear friends and chemtrail truthers around the world, my name is Dr Alev Toran and I am a Swiss chiropractor and author of the post, “They are killing … Read More

World Space Programs & The Occult

HHA I have been covering the Occult and NASA for sometime and have written several posts that address this topic.  This story is fascinating because it exposes the occult connection that exists between all space agencies around the globe.  So the global elite that run these agencies are all formulating Insignias or … Read More

CSPAN airs the TRUTH about September 11th — Molten Steel FLOWED below WTC – Video here!

Dutchsinse The professional Engineers, and licensed Architects are especially concerned with the quote ‘rivers of flowing molten metal’ which ‘looked like lava’… also the freefall of the buildings falling symmetrically. See those flowing rivers of molten metal here, I worked VERY hard finding this video btw, its been scrubbed everywhere!! : … Read More

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