
Christians and Halloween: A Response to Fox News’ take

Trumpet On this October 31st, in the year of our Lord 2018, I was made aware of an article on Fox News that tried to justify Christians partaking in the customs of Halloween: My first thought was, why are Christians reading Fox News? Are they actually interested in learning … Read More

HALLOWEEN: an Ex Satanist’s Views

Originally posted on Your Spiritual Quest – by Laura Maxwell Halloween Insights from my friend Pastor Steve Burns of Canada. (In addition, I had the honour of doing a radio interview with Steve a couple of years ago at Halloween. In the interview, Steve shares far more than the below article. He shares … Read More

Abomination Before Our Eyes

Are ALL Hollywood stars transgenders? There’s no way to know for sure, but there’s ample evidence that many are. The reason this is important is that it is yet another indication that our social engineers (elite) are trying to bring about a return to the pagan cultures of ancient times; … Read More

Youtube Goes Down

Youtube went down for a while on Tuesday night. According to this video, that’s not possible, so what’s up? “This YouTube outage isn’t possible with how google is built. I ran these data centers, worked on their networks, and what your seeing is either an HUGE attack or planned.” 

What are GWEN Towers Really For?

from ToxicNow GWEN Towers:  Ground Wave Emergency Network Quote by el schism, “Apparently these are militarized communication antenna/towers …with hundreds that have seemingly just popped up across the U.S. in the past few decades; and they say they’re there to help prevent EMP or nuclear attack ? But I believe that … Read More

Real History Of Satanism

In light of the naive public enthusiasm over Halloween, I thought I’d re-post this article on the history of Satanism. Real History Of Satanism By Lyndon LaRouche | Rense 1-17-5 Anglo-American Satanists The best-organized Satanist forces operating presently inside the United States include the following prominent organizations: THE LUCIS TRUST … Read More

Hurricane Michael – Eco-Terrorism – LEO “Space Fence” in Action

The Space Fence System is a ground-based “space” surveillance radar system designed to detect and track all objects in “Low Earth Orbit (LEO)” (ie. inside the firmament) the size of a softball or larger. Aircrap Harold Saive  SOLAREN: Directed Energy Satellites Provide California Power and Weather Control (Source) Solaren Corp. … Read More

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