
MUST WATCH: AETHEREAL – The Battle for Heaven and Earth (Cosmology Documentary)

AETHEREAL – The Battle for Heaven and Earth (Cosmology Documentary) Chapters: 1. The Ancient Conflict 4:36 2. A New Nation 11:00 3. The Cosmic Rewrite 17:30 4. The Quantum Deception 25:49 5. Sorcery Reborn 35:09 6. The Power of the Air 51:27 7. New Age “Zience” 1:12:33 8. Oracles of … Read More

Congress Holds Hearings on Weather Manipulation

The lies facilitated by heliocentricism are unending. Here’s some congressional clownery about “mitigating human caused climate change” and “protecting us” from that great big star 93,000,000 miles away. The bright side is that chemtrails aren’t just a “conspiracy theory” anymore.  Aircrap Weather modification just jumped from “chemtrail” conspiracy theory into mainstream reality, as … Read More

The Texas Church Shootings

By Chuck Baldwin | Nov 9, 2017 Here we go again. In this column on October 12, I wrote: The next shooting (and there will be another one) will be worse than Las Vegas. They will not stop until America is disarmed OR until the American people awaken to what is happening … Read More

Cabala (Kabbalah)- How Sex Became Our Religion

Homosexuality/transexuality/pedophilia/sex in entertainment/sex in advertising… Why is our society so preoccupied with sex? Henry Makow argues that it can be traced to the social engineering of elite Cabalists. In fact, in direct contradiction to sound Biblical teaching, one popular Rabbi (Shmuley) goes so far as to teach that lust, not love, is the secret to … Read More

Oakland Hills Fire Report to Compare with October 2017 No Cal “Wildfires”

This is the official report on the East Bay Hills Fire of 1991: U.S. Fire Administration/Technical Report Series – The East Bay Hills Fire; Oakland-Berkeley, California – USFA-TR-060/October 1991, which is being compared to what occurred this year. I put the images originally contained in this report into a slide show below the doccument.  … Read More

Censorship Is The Death Of Public Dosclosure

Checking the site this morning I saw that Kafka Winston’s new video questioning the Judy Wood / Andrew Johnson interview was gone/censored by Youtube. I found  the video again on Kafka’s backup channel thanks to Youtuber, InTruthByGrace, and posted a new link. In light of all that, here are some important thoughts … Read More

Vegas Shooting: Concert Workers’ Phone-Footage Wiped Clean by FBI

This story (below) carried by Infowars, a known disinformation site, adds to the mounting evidence that these horrible false flag events and UNnatural disasters… murders (even if no one died at the Las Vegas shooting, several people died afterward) are being exposed by the very powers that are responsible for them. Historically, … Read More

Mysterious Strangelets… (Anthony Patch, Quantum Deception & Twain’s Simulation Gospel…)

What about the quantum entanglement that Jim Carey and modern “prophecy experts” are talking about? Should we be afraid that they will eventually be able to completely control our every thought, our very consciousness? Youtuber Truth is Stranger than Fiction explains why this is nonsense. “[If] you think that they actually are … Read More

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