
Staged Zika Pandemic was Engineered

From the point of view of every totalitarian regime, science is a weapon of control to be deployed against the people. Science is never allowed to be free or factual. All science is controlled, contrived and distorted to serve the interests of the state. (NaturalNews) In case you didn’t already … Read More

5 Views on Interpreting the Book of Revelation

Most churches today teach the Futurist interpretation of the book of Revelation. For most the only question  about eschatology that exists is whether you think the ‘rapture’ is “Pre,” Mid,” or “Post-Tribulation.” Most Christians don’t even realize other interpretations exist, but there are actually 5 different approaches to interpreting the book of … Read More

An After School Satan Club Could Be Coming to your Kid’s Elementary School

By Katherine Stewart July 30 Doug Mesner, who goes by the professional name Lucien Greaves, is co-founder and spokesman for the Satanic Temple, a group of political activists who are seeking to establish After School Satan Clubs as a counterpart to fundamentalist Christian Good News Clubs, which they see as an attempt … Read More

An Evaluation of Tres Dias / Cursillo Weekend Movements

UPDATED 6/24/16 “What the Church needs today is unity!” That’s what I often hear from Tres Dias members and  leaders. While there are many scriptures encouraging believers to be of one mind, one accord, and to live in unity, we are never told to comprise the truth. Ecumenism encourages believers to come together in … Read More

Cabalist-Judaism In The Church? – FALLEN ANGEL/HUMAN HYBRID SERIES – PT 9

CO | Yvonne Nachtigal I recently read an article on Texe Marrs’ site properly identifying Freemasonry as Cabalist-Judaism (which is satanism), but when I followed a link in the article it segued onto the topic of the Nephilim, referring to the “Biblical” story of fallen angels intermarrying with human women and … Read More

Nano Poisoning / Morgellons Part 4

Bye Bye Blue Sky | Suzanne Maher SOFIA SMALLSTORM – ABOUT THE SKY RESEARCHER  Sofia Smallstorm, scientist and researcher states that Morgellons is; a cross-domain domain bacteria (CDB) which are “alien” pathogens deliberately bio-engineered and introduced into the global environment as a “new biology” not found in nature.  These bio … Read More

Nano Poisoning / Morgellons Part 3

Bye Bye Blue Sky | Suzanne Maher Nanomaterials Safety Guidelines The study of nanoparticles and uncovering their potential to be incorporated in technology has evolved rapidly in the last two decades. Many of these nanoparticles are being added in merchandises such as wrinkle and stain resistant fabrics, sunscreen, glare-resistance eye glasses, … Read More

Sorcery and Witchcraft: Christianity’s Celebrity Prophets If you asked people randomly in any church in America what the definition of prophecy is you would get 100 different answers. Most people nowadays understand prophecy as someone claiming to be able to decipher scripture, to foretell God’s plans relative to current events, interpret cosmic happenings, dictate into … Read More

A Threat To All Humanity

By Chuck Baldwin  | July 28, 2016 When it comes to constitutional government, the whole left-right, conservative-liberal, Republican-Democrat, even Christian-secular paradigms are, for the most part, an illusion. Over most of the last century, conservatives and liberals, Republicans and Democrats, and Christians and secularists have collectively jettisoned constitutional government in favor of … Read More

MENTALLY ILL AMERICA: The 10 delusional demands of political correctness

The 10 delusional demands of political correctness  you are required to accept, despite the contradictory evidence witnessed with your own eyes (NaturalNews) Political correctness, at its core, is an insidious demand that you dismiss the evidence you witness with your own eyes, replacing it with delusional, false narratives that have … Read More

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