

By Lydia Goodman May 19, 2015 Unless you live under a rock, there has been no escape from the much ballyhooed Pew Report news last week that the number of those who call themselves Christian has dropped in percentage from 78.4 to 70.6 in the last seven years. Gleefully propagated by … Read More

Is Homosexual Behavior A Special Sin?

Logos Apologia While I would prefer to not address the topic, I feel like it is necessary. Like it or not, the hot button issue leveled against Christians is homosexuality. I don’t condemn anyone, my own behavior condemns me too because I am sinner myself (see Eph 2:8–9). Contrary to some … Read More

Answering Skeptics

Skeptics of the Bible often grasp at straws trying to find a contradiction in the Bible so that they can justify dismissing the Bible as what it claims to be—the Word of God. One place they often point to is Proverbs 26:4–5, “Do not answer a fool according to his folly, lest you … Read More

The New Covenant

For those tempted to go back to following the law (the Hebrew Roots Movement.) The New Covenant With Jesus’ birth, life, death, and resurrection the Old Covenant was fulfilled and a new covenant was instituted. “But our High Priest [Jesus Christ] has been given a ministry that is far superior … Read More

WORD of Encouragement: 1 Peter 2:9

Who are we in Christ? A lot more than you think. In 1 Peter 2:9, we find out that we are chosen, one family, even one nation under the God of the Bible, who opposes the New World Order, and the One World Government in exchange for God’s Government. Not … Read More

Externalization of the Heiarchy – Infiltration of the Truth Movement

  This documentary film by Keith Thompson exposes the New Age side of the New World Order.  All part of the master plan, “Great Work”, “Great Plan”, agents are put into place to infiltrate the Anti-NWO Truth Movement. The sources Keith provides regarding the Zeitgeist movie, take much of what … Read More

Depart From Me

  If you are in a really good place with the Lord, and you think you have no issues, no qualms, then you can stop reading right now. However, if you think you have no issues, no qualms with the Lord, then you really should keep on reading. We all … Read More

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