
UPDATED – Four Killed as Flash Floods Wreak Havoc in Germany

Update 5/31/16 – In Braunsbach in Baden Würtemberg … 21.00 Germany is generally known for it’s mild climate, but it is currently experiencing unprecedented rain and disastrous flooding. Watching these videos is nothing short of surreal. At this point, people who are still trusting Wikipedia’s description of “chemtrails” (and the … Read More

Portland School Board Bans Literature Denying Climate Change

Activist Post | By Joseph Jankowski There will be no more discussion as to whether or not humans are contributing to climate change in the Portland, Oregon public school system, as the school board plans to ban all material that denies the existence of man-made climate change. Although the topic is still … Read More

Stop TPP! The San Diego Negotiations/Last Chance To Save Democracy: Day One

By Brett Redmayne-Titley Author’s Note: This is the second part of an ongoing series on the secret TPP negotiations, originally published in 2012 and updated. These negotiations mirror the European/ UK version; TTIP. For Part Oneand information not repeated in this part, See Here. TPP has come to the shores of America and eleven other … Read More

Election 2016 Follows Communist Blueprint

(above, Both Obama and Hillary Clinton were disciples of the Communist Saul Alinsky)  One of Saul Alinsky’s rules for subverting  and conquering a target nation was to “freeze it, personalize it and polarize it.”   “If you read some of the left-leaning writings of people like Saul Alinksy, you understand exactly … Read More

Federal Judge May Release New Documents Related To Obama’s Targeted Assassination Program

I can’t help but remember the “explosion” in November 11th that obliterated 2 homes in Indiana. My thought was, “Yike! Who did that guy cross?”             Activist Post |  Derrick Broze On Friday, U.S. District Court Judge Colleen McMahon ordered the Obama Administration to hand over three documents … Read More

Some Real Costs of the Trans-Pacific Partnership: Nearly Half a Million Jobs Lost in the US Alone

Information Clearing House By Jomo Kwame Sundaram March 01, 2016 “Information Clearing House” – “NC” – The Trans-Pacifc Partnership (TPP) Agreement, recently agreed to by twelve Pacifc Rim countries led by the United States,1 promises to ease many restrictions on cross-border transactions and harmonize regulations. Proponents of the agreement have claimed … Read More

Chemtrails: A Christian Perspective

UPDATE* August 2, 2018 In addition to apathy, as I conclude in the video, the dispensational/premillennial interpretation of prophecy was created to gain christian support of the physical state of British Israel and condone the terrorist activities and race hatred of Zionism. Ultimately this will lead to an embracing of … Read More

Cabala – The Core Of Society’s Obsession With Sex

(above, Cabalist Jew Sigmund Freud, taught sexual wantonness is normal and healthy. Self-control is “repression.”) Just as homosexuals use promiscuity to compensate for loss of healthy intimacy between a man and a woman, the Illuminati want heterosexuals to compensate for loss of God. Cabala – How Sex Became our Religion Updated from … Read More

Full TPP Documents now revealed! Available for download below!kIV1XYKC!ChnfpPd9W……… Also: TPP – Beginning of the Dark Ages | TPP Treaty: Intellectual Property Rights Chapter – 5 October 2015  Every part of this TPP agreement was created to benefit Corporate interests and with Corporate input. That means they were privy to what the details were within this … Read More

A Project Monarch Welcome to Mexico for the Pope?

  The symbolism in this Welcome to Mexico for the Pope is quite disturbing to anyone who knows anything about Monarch Mind Control. Obvious to the average person are the appearance of “demons” on the backs of the monarch butterfly costumes worn by the children. According to the article (link … Read More

Albert Pike III World Wars

I find it amazing how accurately these words depict what we currently see going on. The manufactured hatred of Islam through CIA funded acts of terrorism and the it’s demonization by the MSM and Christian groups alike. We need to pay closer attention. The media and it’s sway of public … Read More

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