
Monumental Air Test Planned to Examine Geoengineering

  Scientist along with e pilots set out to test Chemtrails phenomenon, all while breaking a few world records in the process. LOS ANGELES Nov. 3, 2015 /PRNewswire/ Potentially the most difficult environmental test in history is about to take place. World renowned scientist Dr. J. Marvin Herndon, along with … Read More

Halloween is Satanist Christmas

October 31, 2015 | Richard Evans The Hidden History of Halloween Behind the playful facade, Halloween  celebrates perversion, which is the  real meaning of the occult.  It is “indoctrination into Druid paganism,   witchcraft, and Satanism.” Why are we celebrating one of the holiest days in the satanic calendar? The second “holiest” time is … Read More

Floating Cities? First China: Now ‘parallel universe floating city’ appears over seaside at HASTINGS

“And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.” If this isn’t a hoax or somehow naturally explainable (which it could very well be), it sure looks like Project Bluebeam practicing for the return of … Read More

Twelfth holistic doctor found dead, alleged suicide – See more at:

Erin Elizabeth | Healthnut News I never wanted to write a twelfth article. After writing the eleventh about our colleague: prominent Holistic oncologist, Mitch Gaynor MD in NYC, I was truly hoping that it would be the last. I’d recently read his book as he’d sent us advanced copies. My better half … Read More

Heads Up! NASA Experiment Off East Coast Lights Up the Sky Like Project Blue Beam NASA is launching tests of some new tech that will include releasing colorful vapor tracers 130 miles above the Earth. It sounds like it’s going to be a lot like Project Blue Beam. The vapors will be ejected from a sounding rocket launched from Wallops Flight Facility in … Read More

PROOF of Hurricane Control, Bahamas, Bermuda, oct 2015

This is an amazing video! It shows ABSOLUTE PROOF, of Hurricane control, using the classified Ionospheric Heater technology. Hurricane Joaquin was deliberately steered into the Bahamas, and then, to Bermuda. These island nations are not paying the Wall Street gangsters their Hurricane protection money, so the corrupt US Military commanders … Read More

Austria – Third World Invasion: Eyewitness Description, September 5, 2015

The New Observer An eye-witness account from Kamil Bulonis, a Polish travel blog writer, who was present on the Italian-Austrian border on September 5, 2015, as swarms of Third World nonwhites  poured across the border to invade Austria and Germany (A translation from Polish):  (Please note: all pictures from the Hungarian-Austrian border) “Half … Read More

(Internet Freedom) TPP Leaked Document Review: What will this mean for the people

  Every part of this TPP agreement was created to benefit Corporate interests and with Corporate input. That means they were privy to what the details were within this agreement! So why was this document meant to be kept hidden from the American People without any input whatsoever? Because, this … Read More

Doctors regularly misdiagnose cancer to rake in big money for harmful treatments

(NaturalNews) National Breast Cancer Awareness Month is in full swing, welcoming a barrage of pink advertising and pink products. As the pink is consumed, year after year, many are starting to wonder — “Where is all the money going?” It’s definitely not going toward education on preventive measures or spreading awareness … Read More

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