
Awkward and Unnatural Testimonies of Shooting Hoax Witnesses

I wasn’t going to post anything about the recent Oregon shooting because it’s just the same story over and over again: “Gunman opens fire, witnesses hear a ‘pop pop pop’ sound, then the dramatic interviews with ‘bereaved’ fellow students and family members, police officials make a statement”. It’s like watching … Read More

Where the Pre-Tribulation Rapture Theory Came From and Why You Shouldn’t Believe It

  This is a good article examining the history behind the pre-tribulation rapture teaching as well as how the mystery religions operate. I want to add a note caution on the author’s paragraph about the Day of the Lord being the Feast of Trumpets. While I believe that the feast … Read More

False Prophets, Blood Moons, Zionist Deceptions

I came upon this otherwise excellent article exposing not only Mark Biltz as being a Freemason and Zionist, but many of the other popular “end times” teachers as well (which I plan to put together a list of as well as going through this site and adding some disclaimers.) Disclaimer, … Read More


A few points brought out by the author are dispensational, and I hesitate to keep this post up, but for now I marked these points with an asterisk and italics. By Paul McGuire | 9/21/2015 | From September 25 – 27th 2015 the United Nations will present its new fifteen-year plan … Read More

British Imperialism / Gog & Magog and The “Jewish”(?) Conspiracy

Question: How do the economy, Great Britain, Zionism, the Nephilim, and the NWO all tie together? Here are some clues. Did you know that “Gog and Magog”, two “mythical giants”, are considered to be the “patron saints” or “protectors” of the City of London, which is considered to be the “Vatican … Read More

Gog and Magog are the “Protectors” of the City of London

Two giants named Gog and Magog are the “patron saints” or “protectors” of the City of London…. Every year, on the second Saturday in November, they are paraded through the streets of the City. The City of London is about a square mile area of central London where the Bank … Read More

Israeli Made Weapons Seized In Syria – Even More Proof Of Exactly Who Is Arming The Fraud “Terrorists” In Syria

  “A Satanic cult controls the world. It consists not of Jews, Muslims, or Christians but of Satanists pretending to be Jews, Muslims, and Christians.” – HMakow If you haven’t already figured it out, the entire “war on terror”, and “terrorism” itself are frauds… The entire charade is designed to … Read More

Satanists “posing as Christians” on Youtube

Taken from a website inviting visitors to “become a demonology member of Legion” here’s an excerpt of what R$E goes over in the video. (This is part of step 4.)  I’m not going to post the link. You will see it in the video. “…You will be known by the … Read More

Sept 23rd Propaganda/Symbolism

British TV show Coronation Street to air “Nowhere to Run” live episode on September 23rd. Coronation means crowning. Some have speculated that we are in some very big prophetic transitions into the rising of this New World Order. But whatever happens in the near future, God is in control. Not … Read More

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