
Mother Threatened With Child Abuse Charges for Showing Pro-Life Film to Her Kids

(LiveActionNews) — A few days before Christmas, a U.K. mother of two reached out to Christian radio show program Stand Up For Truth with a plea for prayers and support. She had been notified that Child Protection Services would be contacting her because she had permitted her children to watch the pro-life … Read More

FlightRADAR24 data on “Crashed” Air Asia Airbus A320 flight QZ8501

By Dutchsinse Shows as LANDED?!…… The “missing” Air Asia plane shows as LANDED in Singapore at about 730am on the 28th (or 00:30GMT) All times shown in this video are GMT (standard universal time) Air Asia shows as taking off at 22:35GMT on the 27th (535am) on the 28th.. and … Read More

Nebraska School District Gets “Politically Correct” Tells Teachers to Use “Gender Inclusive” Terms, Rather Than “Boys” “Girls”

Daily Mail | Oct 2014 The instructional handout for teachers was passed around as Lincoln Public Schools administrators were trying to sensitively address transgender issues Rachel Terry, a parent of children in the school district, sent an email in response to the handouts asking parents to show up at a school … Read More

FACEBOOK Sued for Scanning YOUR Private Messages for THEIR Profit

By “others”, FACEBOOK means that they will “share” your private information for their fun and profit, much to the detriment of your privacy. FACEBOOK is facing the real possibility of paying its users up to $10,000 EACH, for violating their privacy, if the plaintiffs prevail in a developing lawsuit. The case is known as … Read More

Michele Bachmann: Obama Embraces ‘Agenda of Islamic Jihad’ to Convert “United States into an Islamic Caliphate”

Freedom Report Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) has been an outspoken voice against the infiltration of the Muslim Brotherhood into the halls of the United States federal government, and she has taken the shots against her, even by those who claim they are on her side. Recently, the Minnesota congresswoman was interviewed by Tony Perkins of the Family … Read More

Is Russia Preparing For War III?

HHA | 12/9/2014 While the world shops and busily prepares for Christmas, the TV News is relatively silent about any significant world events. We’ve all but stopped hearing about Ebola. Situations in the Ukraine, Baltic States, Lybia, Iraq, Turkey, Gaza and Syria (did I miss anybody?) for the time being, … Read More

The “Conspiracy Theory” Label: Powerful Tool of Media Disinformation and Political Discourse

HHA | 11/26/2014 Disinformation and Political Discourse Cognitive Infiltration for the Masses Prof. James F. Tracy | Global Research | 2014 On March 18, 2014 Cass Sunstein released his latest collection of essays,Conspiracy Theories and Other Dangerous Ideas.[1] Like his other works geared toward a mainstream readership, the prominent Harvard law professor, … Read More

Ferguson Protests – False Flag To Push Gun Control And Start Civil War?

HHA | 11/26/2014 Miranda Blue | 11//26/2014 | RWW End Times radio host Rick Wiles interviewed Gun Owners of America’s Larry Pratt on his program yesterday, and the conversation inevitably drifted to whether the Ferguson protests are in fact a false flag operation to give President Obama political cover to unilaterally implement … Read More

Illuminati Plans In America 2015 – Video

HHA 11/24/2014 Published on Nov 23, 2014 by Jason A Facebook Page:… Illuminati New world order plans martial law signs rfid chip islam power grid takedown Link to clip of military vehicles on the street:… FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational … Read More

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