
How the New World Order is Hijacking Civilization | by Dr Peter Hammond Constructive Chaos The New World Order has used wars, economic depressions, recessions and population control to undermine Western civilization and bring about their Globalist Agenda. Demographic Engineering Through aggressive population control tactics, promoting birth control, abortion, sterilizations and massive propaganda of “Overpopulation” the globalists … Read More

Do You Feel The Spirit?

Do you ‘feel the Spirit’? What criteria are you using to determine that it is the Holy Spirit you are sensing? Here’s a discernment tip from

Catholic Church Asks Priests To Preach About Climate Change

HHA | Yvonne Nachtigal The catholic church has offered new guidelines for priests, suggesting they have a good understanding of the “global climate change problem” and that they share this “understanding” with their congregations. The Vatican’s Pontifical Academy of Sciences, which advises the pope on matters of science, has concluded, along with the Rockefeller-owned … Read More

The Prosperity Gospel – Mikey Lynch

The Prosperity Gospel biblically addressed by Mikey Lynch: [google-drive-embed url=”” title=”Prosperity Gospel.mp3″ icon=”” width=”55%” height=”50″ style=”embed”] Mikey Lynch is currently Campus Director of the University Fellowship of Christians at the University of Tasmania in Hobart, and leader of the church planting networks, The Vision 100 Network (TAS) and Geneva Push (Australia).

Nineteenth Century Premillennialism – The Legacy of Edward Irving

Talking Pentecostalism “The major milieu out of which Pentecostalism sprang was the worldwide Holiness movement, which had developed out of nineteenth-century American Methodism.”(Vinson Synan, Ph.D., University of Georgia, 2001) [1]. To be consise, Pentecostalism developed in the early twentieth-century from the Holiness movement, which developed from American Methodism in the … Read More

The Zionist State – Book Excerpt

Sweet Liberty  It has been said by insiders from many quarters that three world wars will be necessary in order to complete the long-laid plan for World Dominion. After WWI, the Versailles treaty – of which the measures against Germany guaranteed a second World War – M. Clemenceau boasted that … Read More

Trumpet Sound in the Sky Over Jerusalem

October 1, 2016 Folks, please don’t be impressed that anything supernatural is going on here! There have been strange cloud and sound occurrences happening for years now and none of it has been supernatural. This is easily created by technologies that we know about. Just go to my page on HAARP … Read More

Pentecostalism – Good and Bad – And the “End Times”

Talking Pentecostalism | Pentecostalism – The Good and the Bad This excellent lecture and sermon on Pentecostalism by Mikey Lynch (modern and classic), and is honest about what is good and right about Pentecostalism while highlighting what is wrong and even dangerous about some of its emphases and characteristics. Thinking generously and critically about the … Read More

Is the ‘Mark of the Beast’ Literal?

HHA “What is the Mark of the Beast?”… “Don’t receive the Mark!” “Microchips are the Mark!” “Vaccines are the Mark!” … Popular “End Times” prophecy teachers are leading people to be worried about taking the “mark of the beast” as well as ‘the Mark’s’ possible connection to Transhumanism. The speculation … Read More

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