
Coming ‘Utopia’ Ruled By Noahide Laws

What Ted Pike presents here is well researched and vital to understand in order to grasp the NWO agenda. The Pharisaic Jews were looking for a Messiah to reign over an earthly kingdom. The New World Order is that kingdom, and the “millennial reign” of futurist eschatology is the planned earthly reign … Read More

Secrets of Kabbalah: The Ancient Babylonian Mysticism (Full Documentary)

Following the division of Israel and the Assyrian captivity of the northern tribes, the southern kingdom of Judah adopted the pagan traditions of the heathen nation of ancient Babylon. These traditions, with their associated rituals which included human sacrifice, provoked God to judge the southern kingdom, which judgment the prophet … Read More

An Evaluation of Tres Dias / Cursillo Weekend Movements

UPDATED 6/24/16 “What the Church needs today is unity!” That’s what I often hear from Tres Dias members and  leaders. While there are many scriptures encouraging believers to be of one mind, one accord, and to live in unity, we are never told to comprise the truth. Ecumenism encourages believers to come together in … Read More

Cabalist-Judaism In The Church? – FALLEN ANGEL/HUMAN HYBRID SERIES – PT 9

CO | Yvonne Nachtigal I recently read an article on Texe Marrs’ site properly identifying Freemasonry as Cabalist-Judaism (which is satanism), but when I followed a link in the article it segued onto the topic of the Nephilim, referring to the “Biblical” story of fallen angels intermarrying with human women and … Read More

Sorcery and Witchcraft: Christianity’s Celebrity Prophets If you asked people randomly in any church in America what the definition of prophecy is you would get 100 different answers. Most people nowadays understand prophecy as someone claiming to be able to decipher scripture, to foretell God’s plans relative to current events, interpret cosmic happenings, dictate into … Read More

Fallen Angels Myth in Occultic Jewish Literature – FALLEN ANGEL SERIES – Pt 6

by Yvonne Nachtigal | CO  In this segment of the Fallen Angel/Human hybrid series, we’ll look at what Jewish occult literature, the book of Enoch, and modern prophesy teachers say about the fallen angels and the nephilim. Starting with some dates, according to Robert McRoberts of ancient Talmudic text Targum Pseudo-Jonathan … Read More

Zeitgeist Debunked

The Zeitgeist film has had a great impact. But it’s countless “truths” have no basis in fact. In this full length film, Chris White thoroughly examines the films’ assertions.

Jews: The Unloved People

It seems like Christians are given only two positions about the Jews. 1) To unconditionally support the state of Israel as the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy 2) To reject political Israel, recognize it as part of the New World Order deception and be labeled antisemitic, (even though we’re not)  In … Read More

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