
William Cooper – The Alex Jones Deception

This is the original broadcast from Bill’s ‘Hour of the Time’ shortwave radio show aired on January 6th, 2000. These are 3 full length broadcasts that expose a deliberate campaign to instill fear in the pubic.   PART ONE:… PART TWO:… William Cooper Playlist:…… … Read More

The History & Occult Roots of TRANSHUMANISM

“Electric information environments being utterly ethereal, foster the illusion of the world as spiritual substance. It is now a reasonable facsimile of the mystical body [of Christ], a blatant manifestation of the Anti-Christ. After all, the Prince of this world is a very great electric engineer.” – Marshall McLuhan David Livingstone | … Read More

Sesame Street rolls out autistic muppet

(NaturalNews) In yet another sickening example of the absolute mental derangement of modern society, Sesame Street has rolled out its first autistic muppetnamed “Julia,” says the Sesame Street website The rollout of autistic Julia is Sesame Street’s attempt to “normalize” vaccine injuries and depict those victimized by vaccines as happy, “amazing” children … Read More

Lithium and the Experiment over Oregon

September 28, 2015 | From The Trenches | Ann Fillmore, PhD In January 2015, I began receiving reports by email, telephone and over Facebook of very specific symptoms from very specific locations under very specific spraying activity throughout Oregon. From my experience as a counselor, having had to do an internship for … Read More

Intrinsic Evil, Genetics and the New World Order

In this article I will discuss intrinsic evil— what it is and where it comes from.  Is man capable of intrinsic evil?  Are there men of intrinsic evil in the world today? We’ll start with a definition.  Intrinsic evil is evil that is unredeemable. Theoretically every sin that man commits is … Read More

Awkward and Unnatural Testimonies of Shooting Hoax Witnesses

I wasn’t going to post anything about the recent Oregon shooting because it’s just the same story over and over again: “Gunman opens fire, witnesses hear a ‘pop pop pop’ sound, then the dramatic interviews with ‘bereaved’ fellow students and family members, police officials make a statement”. It’s like watching … Read More

False Prophets, Blood Moons, Zionist Deceptions

I came upon this otherwise excellent article exposing not only Mark Biltz as being a Freemason and Zionist, but many of the other popular “end times” teachers as well (which I plan to put together a list of as well as going through this site and adding some disclaimers.) Disclaimer, … Read More

Planet X Hoax

I’ve often wondered about “planet X”. Guess this answers the “asteroid” question too! Also read here. On 9/20/2015, Stephen wrote: Ken, On two Facebook groups: Exposing The Rothschilds, and Illuminati Killers, I’ve been hearing a lot about Planet X, and wonder if this is real or fear mongering? BOOM! Nibiru … Read More

Israeli Made Weapons Seized In Syria – Even More Proof Of Exactly Who Is Arming The Fraud “Terrorists” In Syria

  “A Satanic cult controls the world. It consists not of Jews, Muslims, or Christians but of Satanists pretending to be Jews, Muslims, and Christians.” – HMakow If you haven’t already figured it out, the entire “war on terror”, and “terrorism” itself are frauds… The entire charade is designed to … Read More

Satanists “posing as Christians” on Youtube

Taken from a website inviting visitors to “become a demonology member of Legion” here’s an excerpt of what R$E goes over in the video. (This is part of step 4.)  I’m not going to post the link. You will see it in the video. “…You will be known by the … Read More

Nephilim manifest from “Gates of Hell” 2015(?) (R$E)

Don’t be alarmed. It’s just more propaganda. Lucifer opens “Gate of Hell” (2015) Subliminal Occult Symbolism: Opening the pit & birthing of the Nephilim Giants shown in “New Balance – The Storm” TV Commercial. Perfect storm = hot meets cold = red meets blue. Collide of the two pillars.

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