
A Citizens Guide to Understanding Corporate Media Propaganda Techniques

earthblognews Editors Note: A few decades ago, there were thousands of independent media outlets in the US. Today in America, six multi-national global media mega corporations run by six individuals control 96% of the content Americans see on TV and watch at the movies; read in books, magazines and newspapers, and … Read More

Justin Bieber’s “Where Are U Now” is Full of Quickly Flashing Illuminati Imagery

BY VC ON JULY 22, 2015 Justin Bieber’s “Where Are U Now” video features hundreds of images superimposed on the singer, all flashing at high speed. Unsurprisingly enough, there’s a whole lot of Illuminati symbolism. Although this is my first full article on Justin Bieber, it is nevertheless quite obvious that he … Read More

Where’s Your Place in Jade Helm—Mastering the Human Domain

NWO anyone? We need to remember that God is astoundingly, immeasurably more powerful than any technology the fallen ones come up with! “…He who keeps you will not slumber” Ps 121:3b Activist Post | By Catherine J. Frompovich | July 5, 2015 After viewing this YouTube about how humans will … Read More

“Conspiracy Theory”: The Government & Media Label For Anything Opposing The “Official View”

  CONSPIRACY THEORY –  A Pejorative term, intended to stigmatize, marginalize, and discredit. “If you know anything about disinformation, if you know how governments and discredit movements, they always say: “Conspiracy Theories.” It’s the first thing you go to.because people don’t want to be involved in conspiracy theories.” – Glenn … Read More

What is the Hegelian Dialectic?

The Universal Seduction If you want to know why Republicans just gave President Obama more power to ram through the Trans-Pacific Partnership via the Trade Promotion Authority, just study the Hegelian Dialectic. By passing the TPA on Wednesday, the Republican-controlled Senate gave Obama authority to negotiate trade deals such as … Read More

Mind Control, Synthetic Telepathy and Brain Microchips – Dr. Nick Begich

  Whether you are targeted or not, we are all victims of mind control technologies and the weaponization of our food, water and air. This recent 12 min. interview of Dr. Nick Begich (who wrote Controlling the Human Mind The Technologies of Political Control or Tools for Peak Performance and Angels Don’t Play … Read More

RFID Chips Found In One Out Of Three People Tested

  The report, which came out last year,  comes from the Wyoming Institute of Technology. Said microchips can be as small as a grain of sand. This article claims that magnets can be used to disable these devices. By John Brugle, Ph.D. | WIT John T. Brugle, Ph.D and Mary Franz, Ph.D, … Read More

Gang Stalking and its Preternatural Connections

Not an endorsement. This article first appeared on the website Please contact them if you need help with this issue. June 7, 2015 | SIS Evil takes many forms in this world. It’s areas of influence go deeper into the workings of our lives and institutions than many are … Read More

“Asteroid” Impact Predicted for September 2015 Fake?

…For those who wish to see more evidence, I suggest you check out my videos “It’s About Time to Break the Spell” and “Weapons of Mass Deception”. In these videos I have CLEARLY demonstrated that the planes which supposedly went into the twin towers were holograms. Aluminum planes CANNOT fly … Read More

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