
Trump | Climate Change – Where Is Honest Journalism Amidst False Climate Change Propaganda? With predictions of economic and environmental doom resulting from Donald Trump’s decision to opt out of the Paris Climate Change agreement, media continues to present man-made “Climate Change” as “Undisputed” while the elephant in the room continues to be currently ongoing geoengineering programs, the single greatest cause of severe weather and “man-made” climate … Read More

The Evangelical Church is Extension of the Luciferian NWO

(Rick Warren’s Saddleback church in Lake Forest CA) The small community church in your neighborhood has now been supplanted by the tri-county Mega Church. Essentially, your local church has been, “put out of business”. How ? By not offending seekers and discussing topics like homosexuality, abortion, feminism or national sovereignty.  by … Read More

How NOT To Respond To The NWO | A NWO Timeline

This is not Christian prayer. It is occultism masquerading as Christianity. Angus Buchan is part of the Promise Keeper’s Network of “Elijah” prophets who are preaching the heretical “Kingdom-Now” Theology. “For false Christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, … Read More

Alchemy, the Process that turns Men into Political Christs and Gods

…and Transhumanism; “The Abomination that Causes Desolation” Mk 13:14, is their ultimate goal… We are in, as Renette says, “the end of the end of days”. Visit Renette’s site for full article with numerous references and links. Secret Societies Control the Rise and Fall of Empires – Part 8 by Renette Vermeulen … Read More

Surveillance? – What Surveillance?

Mar 24, 2017 by Ronnie Herne | Part 2 Of 2 SMILE !!   YOU’RE ON TRAPWIRE CAMERA!!   They are everywhere….. So, where were we?  Right!  Being spied on at every turn!  Let’s continue… TEN WAYS YOU’RE SPIED ON Click the link above and count the ways:  Computer keyboards, laptop emanations, cell phone … Read More

Communism & the NWO are Based on Judaism

Ever wondered why? Why would people want to enslave other people? What was the incredible driving force behind the creation of the Communist system? Of course, tyranny is as old as time and we know it’s true author, but according to Israel Shahak, Communism and the planned global Communistic Government … Read More

Climate Change Comes Out of the Closet As Previously Cancelled Climate Change Conference Convenes

HHA | Yvonne Nachtigal | Feb 18, 2017 We’re continually told, by the UN and every mainstream news outlet that the ‘climate change’ (which we are assured is “settled science”) is the result of man’s horrendous effect on the environment. But at a news conference in Brussels last week , the executive … Read More

Trump’s Ties to the Past and the Resurrection of the Left

‘De Omnibus Dubitandum’ Everything is to be Doubted Global Research | Prof. James Petras Introduction President Trump is deeply embedded in the politics of the deep state structure of American imperialism.  Contrary to occasional references to non-intervention in overseas wars, Trump has followed in the footsteps of his predecessors. While … Read More

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