
Florida Shooting – It’s Not Just About Gun Control: A Deeper Look at The Gay Rights Agenda

 (above – homosexual pedophile Jerry Sandusky) In yet another example of how the controlled media carries out and reports a scripted event to manipulate public opinion in support of their twisted agendas, we have another mass shooting (by a ‘lone gunman’ of course) in a gay bar in Florida to further gun … Read More

The Anti-Communitarian Manifesto

Communitarianism is a little understood yet vital piece of the puzzle when it comes to how the New World Order is being brought about. Here is a Corbett Report broadcast from 2012 with Niki Raapana, blogger, campaigner and author of The Anti-Communitarian Manifesto. We discuss the history of the communitarian philosophy, why … Read More

Chemtrail Video Producer’s “Dream” – (Voice to Skull?) One Month Before Near Fatal Car Accident

Doug Diamond is the producer of the Chemtrail awareness DVD that contains my video “Chemtrails a Christian Perspective.” This is his interview with Dr Rima about a dream he had on March 11, 2016, one month, to the day, before his car “accident” on April 11th in which he was severely … Read More

Communitarianism and Synarchism: A Synthesis of Ideologies

The Communitarian Trap The best way to describe the emerging form of global government is that it is a synthesis of ideas. The communitarian plan for religion ends up being something very similar, which is a New Age synthesis that gives credibility to all religious faiths of the world.  Each faith of … Read More

Categories NWO

NBC: “We Could See Microchips In Everyone”!

A recent NBC report says that: “we could see those microchips in everyone” The New World Order totalitarian control is well under way. But is this “The Mark of The Beast”? I don’t think so. Being a book of prophecy, the book of Revelation should be interpreted symbolically, not literally. So, … Read More

The Fraud That Begets All Others

(the “key” to understanding the world today bears repetition)  What’s really behind the ‘New World Order’ that the (worldly) powers-that-be are working so insidiously to bring about? Finance, of course, deceptive financial practices that we are all dealing with whether we like it or not, all with the audacious end … Read More

Flat Earth: Who Owns The World? Have No Doubt.

Mr. Walter Veith’s accurate, documented presentation clearly revealing who is behind world events. In spite of his futurist interpretation of scripture, there is a wealth of excellent information in this video. I’ll preclude it with excerpts from a comment made by the Youtube user, PearlDiver: …I believe the info about the … Read More

MUST WATCH! – Pastor Richard Wurmbrand – Recalls the 14 Years He Spent In A Communist Prison

-MUST WATCH VIDEO BELOW! – THIS IS COMMUNISM – THE NEW WORLD ORDER IS COMMUNISM – Like many Christians, I originally believed that the New World Order was a fulfillment of “End Times Prophecy”. If you’ve watched my video “Chemtrails: A Christian Perspective” You know that’s no longer the case. … Read More


Bradlee Dean | “Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God! Therefore, non-resistance to tyrants is obedience to Satan.” As I have preached for 20 years now, God is going to get your attention one way or another (Leviticus 26; Deuteronomy 28). Americans have to their own shameless apathetic and … Read More

Election 2016 Follows Communist Blueprint

(above, Both Obama and Hillary Clinton were disciples of the Communist Saul Alinsky)  One of Saul Alinsky’s rules for subverting  and conquering a target nation was to “freeze it, personalize it and polarize it.”   “If you read some of the left-leaning writings of people like Saul Alinksy, you understand exactly … Read More

Bella Dodd – The New World Order Is Communism

The war on “terrorism” is designed to transform society into a Communist police state. In 1954, Bella Dodd, a high ranking defector from the US Communist Party, warned us that Illuminati Jewish bankers are behind Communism, and this satanic cult controls the USA. Her book “School of Darkness” requires a revisit. “The objectives of Communism … Read More

The iPhone Is Just the Beginning: FBI Already Accessing Your DNA

Anti Media | Jake Anderson March 9, 2016 Private genetic databases like 23andMe and are increasingly used by people for genealogy tracing and medical diagnostic tests. With a million customers each, the two companies receive a great deal of attention from privacy advocates, who for years warned the government would eventually seek access to citizens’ … Read More

Federal Judge May Release New Documents Related To Obama’s Targeted Assassination Program

I can’t help but remember the “explosion” in November 11th that obliterated 2 homes in Indiana. My thought was, “Yike! Who did that guy cross?”             Activist Post |  Derrick Broze On Friday, U.S. District Court Judge Colleen McMahon ordered the Obama Administration to hand over three documents … Read More

Chemtrail Flu: Have You Got It Yet?

You’re sick. Your nose is stuffy. Your body aches, You’re sweaty, coughing, sneezing and you don’t have enough energy to get out of bed. It’s not the flu according to Dr. Len Horowitz. His opinion is not based on conspiracy theory but on conspiracy fact. Over the past 10 years, Horowitz … Read More

Chemtrails Exposed: A History Of The New Manhattan Project

Activist Post | Peter A. Kirby “Discoveries and inventions are not terminals; they are fresh starting points from which we can climb to new knowledge.” – Dr. Willis R. Whitney, founder of General Electric Laboratories After so many years of watching airplanes produce the lines in the sky, largely without knowing of … Read More

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