
This Abortion Investigation has Gone Viral – See Why Millions are becoming Pro-Life

Onan Coca | 1-10-2015 Live Action is a wonderful organization headed up by a strong and courageous young woman. They’ve done a lot of great work exposing the fraud that the abortion industry has been perpetrating on people for years, all while helping to save countless lives from the horror that is abortion. The … Read More

Mind Control, Synthetic Telepathy and Brain Microchips – Dr. Nick Begich

  Whether you are targeted or not, we are all victims of mind control technologies and the weaponization of our food, water and air. This recent 12 min. interview of Dr. Nick Begich (who wrote Controlling the Human Mind The Technologies of Political Control or Tools for Peak Performance and Angels Don’t Play … Read More

RFID Chips Found In One Out Of Three People Tested

  The report, which came out last year,  comes from the Wyoming Institute of Technology. Said microchips can be as small as a grain of sand. This article claims that magnets can be used to disable these devices. By John Brugle, Ph.D. | WIT John T. Brugle, Ph.D and Mary Franz, Ph.D, … Read More

Push for massive depopulation by Vatican Speaker and California Governor in talk of ‘Planetary Court’ and removal of 6 billion people under new ‘Earth Constitution’ and ‘World Government’

…in talk of ‘Planetary Court’ and removal of 6 billion people under new ‘Earth Constitution’ and ‘World Government’ (NaturalNews) The depopulationists are on the move again, pushing hard for the elimination of six billion people on planet Earth in order to bring the planet down to what’s being touted as … Read More

VIDEO: First images of plasma tubes drifting over Earth

  Business Insider | June 1, 2015 Tubular plasma structures in the inner layers of the magnetosphere. Image: CAASTRO/Mats Bjorklund Astronomers have for the first time captured visual evidence of the existence of tubular plasma structures in the inner layers of the magnetosphere surrounding the Earth. “For over 60 years, scientists … Read More

Gang Stalking and its Preternatural Connections

Not an endorsement. This article first appeared on the website Please contact them if you need help with this issue. June 7, 2015 | SIS Evil takes many forms in this world. It’s areas of influence go deeper into the workings of our lives and institutions than many are … Read More

Responding To Police

By Chuck Baldwin | June 11, 2015 Citizen contacts with police are becoming more and more frequent, and often more and more hostile. Sadly, the vast majority of the American people have absolutely NO IDEA how to lawfully and peacefully protect themselves against police overreach and abuse. And sadder still … Read More

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