
Transhumanism In Bible Prophecy

UPDATE 9-7-2021: This was posted prior to my seeing through the deceptions of Dispensationalism, so I am not in agreement with the author’s views on Transhumanism in Bible Prophecy. I’m leaving it up because of the accurate information about the Transhumanist movement, but I see Transhumanism as yet another “smoke-and-mirrors” … Read More

Interview With Kent Hovind From Prison

HHA | 11/17/2014 Revelations Radio Network | 11/17/2014 (Interview with Kent Hovind from prison) #14 Digging for the Truth with Ark and Neo 11/17/14 PODCAST #14 INTERVIEW WITH KENT HOVIND FROM PRISON This is a very special bonus episode where I get the opportunity to talk with one of my hero’s Kent … Read More


HHA | 11/17/2014 Paul McGuire | 11/17/2014 | There is a convergence of unprecedented events coming to America and the world that will go into a kind of hyper-drive in 2015 or soon after. It is difficult to set exact dates because there are various forces which can change the dynamic. … Read More

Phil Schneider: Assassinated After Disclosure – Full Feature

HHA | 11/12/2014 Warning (GRAPHIC CONTENT) – This film features Phil Schneider at the Preparedness Expo in 1995 with added features along with rare photos and footage as he lectures. See more info below. Phil Schneider is an ex-government geologist and structural engineer who was involved in building underground military … Read More

Illuminati’s Black Gold Project-Reloaded Version

HHA | 11/10/2014   Published on Nov 8, 2014 Please watch start to finish..Promise it will be worth your time! This video will finally connect some dots you may be looking for in your search for the Truth! Doesn’t matter if you are a spiritual person or hate religion..YOU need … Read More

What’s Going On Around The Sun? Massive Object With Shields Feeding Off The Sun?

HHA | 11/10/2014 By Live Free or Die The newly released video below is getting a lot of attention for obvious reasons; it appears that an object with some sort of shields is moving through our solar system, and seen very clearly in the pictures below video as well. One commenter mentions that in the 2nd picture, it appears that … Read More

Governments Seize Colloidal Silver Being Used To Treat Ebola Patients, Says Advocate

HHA | 11/9/2014 (NaturalNews) Efforts to bring natural Ebola treatments to suffering West Africans have been squelched by the World Health Organization (WHO), which recently blocked multiple shipments of nanosilver solution measuring at 10 parts per million (ppm) from entering the region, leaving thousands to suffer needlessly. WHO officials also … Read More

Millions Of Americans Installing ‘Perfect Spying Device’ In Their Own Living Rooms: Amazon Fire TV Monitors And Records Your Conversations

HHA | 11/10/2014 (NaturalNews) is building the CIA’s new $600 million data center, reports the Financial Times. (1) At the same time is building this massive cloud computing infrastructure for the CIA, the company is also shipping millions of Fire TV set-top devices to customers who are placing … Read More

Impending Arctic Blast

HHA | 11/9/2014 “The earth is utterly broken down, the earth is clean dissolved, the earth is moved exceedingly.” Isaiah 24:19 Well, they’re at it again; manipulating the weather to cause more fear and devastation. Last year we had the “Polar Vortex”. This year we’re being treated to “BomboGenesis”…(Seriously?)  Most … Read More

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