
They’re Getting Ready For Something! – Many Videos In Recent Days Showing Mass Military Prep!

(Before It’s News) The 3 newly released videos below include a viral Facebook post, broken down by videographer strongtower0914, that shows a military convoy in between Kentucky and Tennessee. Are they preparing for martial law as Joshua A. Wilcox suggests in the video? While Facebook trolls hit hard at once, attempting to debunk the significance of … Read More

Excellent Collection Of Links About 9/11

Found on: 9/11 Information Center 9/11 Information SummariesMost Important 9/11 DocumentTop 9/11 News ArticlesBest 9/11 ResourcesBest Free 9/11 VideosBest 9/11 Online Lesson9/11 Information Subtopics What You Can Do & 9/11 Event Listings This page provides links to reliable, verifiable information which raises important questions about the official account of 9/11. Our … Read More

Chemtrails: You Are Now Breathing Ethylene Dibromide, Virally Mutated Molds, Mamo-Particulates of Aluminum And Barium And Cationic Polymer Fibers WIth Unidentified Bio-Active Matial

 Before It’s News THE EARTH  BEFORE THE ERA OF CHEMTRAILS This image showing a relatively pristine earth was taken during the Apollo Missions between 1969 and 1972. The earth floats like a beautiful blue and white jewel in space with no haze or luminosity covering it. Compare it with the next … Read More

Phillippines Hit With Category 3 Typhoon ‘Rammasun’

7/15/2014 | Dutchsinse Typhoon “Rammasun” is now making landfall as a Category 3, hitting directly upon the central Philippines. The area which was heavily damaged in the 2013 Super-Typhoon Yolanda / Haiyan is being hit again now. Updated tropical storm information can be obtained via the links below: Category 3 … Read More

Agenda 21: The History of Progressive Education (Lecture) by Dr. Dave Lehman

Dr. Dave Lehman talks about Agenda 21 and the history of Progressive Education, The occult roots of Globalism and the New World Order, the number of Freemasons in our political system and more. Recorded at The Prophecy Forum: Decoding the End Times February 21-22, 2014 in Westminster California.

Yvonne’s NDE – On Canary Cry Radio

A while back I had the privilege of talking with Gonz Shimura of Canary Cry Radio about my near death experience (NDE). Basil, Gonz’ co-host, also interviewed someone who had experienced an NDE, but who’s story is quite different than mine. Here is the show that Gonz put together from our two … Read More

Aerosol Geoengineering Responsible For Deliberate Ozone Depletion and UV-B

Harold Saive How much more evidence do we need to conclude that covert aerosol spraying of geoengineering chemicals is the man-made CLIMATE CHANGE to fear most? Dane Wigington at posted an article reporting documented evidence of destruction of Earth’s protective ozone layer. ( “Over a year ago reported on … Read More

Smart Meter Information

North Western Research Institute For those who like to research and really get into the background of smart meters.  Here is some outstanding information and supports what we’ve been saying all along that the smart meter issue is a Constitutional and 4th amendment issue.  This information should provide some answers. … Read More

Rockefeller Brother Fund: We’re Buying Off Evangelicals, Mayors, Governors… For The Earth

Jurriaan Maessen–ExplosiveReports.Com In its 2010 review of grants extended from 2005 to 2010, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund admits to buying off (quite literally) so-called “non-green voices”- meaning people outside the environmental community- to sell man-made climate change doctrine to their respective communities. “(…) foundation dollars extended to support these non-green voices have … Read More

Textbook Disinformation

Former video removed. This is another excellent one. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “World and Space” global skywatch Although limited spraying began decades ago, widespread spraying of chemical aerosols (chemtrails) began in the 90’s.This book is yet another example of disinformation designed to disinform and confuse the public about ongoing chemical spray operations which … Read More

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