
BLIND HORIZONS, BROKEN HEARTS… [some thoughts on 2021, and beyond]

From The Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction 2001: A Space Odyssey — Dr Heywood Floyd Moon Base Briefing Innovative silicone nanochip can reprogram biological tissue in living body (w/video) –

Serpents Everywhere Part 3: Antarctic Melting, “Doomsday Glacier” & Doorways to an Occult Worldview

In Antarctica: A Closed System and a Very Deep Rabbit Hole, Paul Zietsman argues that the purpose of geoengineering is to delay the melting of the lake of fire (which he believes is located under West Antarctica) until the Fallen Angels can find a way “to deal with God.” He … Read More

Societal “Mentacide” | Should We Fix The World or Our Heart?

This video from Academy of Ideas (AOI – below) shows the natural/psychological/(Hermetic) methods by which the “kings of the earth,” “the mighty ones” have controlled the collective psyche of society throughout history. It helps explain why many of our friends and loved ones are unable to see plain facts that … Read More

Agenda 2[00]1: A Beast Odyssey…

 I highly recommend the book quoted in this video: “The World and its god” by Phillip Mauro.  Video links: Philip Mauro – ‘The World and its god” BILL COOPER EXPLAINS THE TRUE MEANING OF STANLEY KUBRICK’S “2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY”​ What is the ‘Great Reset’? – Davos … Read More

VIDEO: The Phoenix, DNA & the JAB Part 3: A Psychadelic Discovery

History records Francis Crick and James Watson as having “Discovered” the Double Helix model of DNA in 1953. But much less publicized is Crick’s use of LSD as a “thinking tool.” I examine some less publicized details about this “inspired discovery” and look at the correlation between hallucinogens and the … Read More

The Hem of His Garment

There is an aurora in Finland known as “The Hem of His garment.” It makes me think or Isaiah 6:1 “In the year that King Uzziah died I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up; and the train of his robe filled the temple.” What if … Read More

Lies of Science Exposed: Interview with Dr. Svetlana Berdyugina

Prof. Dr. Svetlana Berdyugina gets confronted with real science and exposes herself as a theoretical fraud. Full interview: This interview with astrophysicist Prof. Dr. Svetlana Berdyugina by Mark (aka Waykiwayki) is so bold and so good and makes it abundantly clear that the scientific community is the elite epitome … Read More

The Helix Delusion

The scientific revolution brought needed advancements in the field of medicine, but along with them came a false cosmology to support the godless theory of evolution and other theoretical constructs that are rooted in mystery school teachings. I’ve posted about how the organized church has embraced these as their own, … Read More

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