
VIDEO: The Phoenix, DNA & the JAB Part 3: A Psychadelic Discovery

History records Francis Crick and James Watson as having “Discovered” the Double Helix model of DNA in 1953. But much less publicized is Crick’s use of LSD as a “thinking tool.” I examine some less publicized details about this “inspired discovery” and look at the correlation between hallucinogens and the … Read More

Does COVID Vax Contain HIV Genome?

A reader left a comment on Henry Makow’s article; “2017 Report Says Covid Vaccines are Toxic” reporting that a pharmacologist uncovered 5 patents last year which led him to conclude that the COVID vaccine may contain the HIV genome. (There’s a link to his report below). The reader, “Essel” wrote … Read More

The Phoenix, DNA & the Jab Pt 2 – Symbols & the Double Helix

In part 1 of this series we talked about how the occult uses symbols to represent spiritual ideas / egragores, and we looked in particular at the symbol of the Phoenix. Egragore (also spelled egregor; from French égrégore, from Ancient Greek egrḗgoros ‘wakeful’) is an occult concept representing a distinct … Read More

RE: Geoengineering Documents Page

Just a quick note for now. I set out to write about the extreme weather and rolling blackouts this morning but discovered that my Geoengineering Documents page was full of broken links(!) so I spent the morning recreating them. I don’t know how long it’s been that way, but I … Read More

A “Sneak Peak” of the Inauguration Ceremony

This doesn’t look cultish at all. It bears an uncanny resemblance to the Nuremberg Rallies (1923-1938). Lots of symbolism here; starting with the date; 1/19 (91/1) The Nuremberg Rally (official Reichsparteitag, meaning Reich Party Convention) was the annual rally of the Nazi Party in Germany, held from 1923 to 1938. … Read More

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