
Morgellons Disease – Science Fiction Reality

Finally, there are doctors rising up to to address this disease, rather than dismissing it with the “Delusional Parasitosis” label which has been the medical establishment’s official term for the disease for years. These bio-synthetic organisms can invade any of us, and, in fact, according to ex-government scientific researcher Clifford … Read More

Aliens and the Vatican

Vatican astronomers have reportedly been working towards locating extraterrestrial life. Earlier in March, the Vatican Observatory cosponsored a major conference on extraterrestrial life that brought together 200 of the leading astrobiologists in the world. One of the organizers stated that one of the goals of the conference was to figure out … Read More

Today’s Watchmen

Asking people to critically examine their long held opinions and belief systems doesn’t win any popularity contests to be sure. We read the stories in the Bible of the prophets, and God’s ‘watchmen’ and see them as hero’s, worthy of great respect since they were obeying God and trying to warn … Read More

The Cooking of Humanity

Here is yet another lengthy film with vital information for everyone. This one involves the use of frequency technology to manipulate the public. These things are not pleasant to know about. But crucial, if we are no guard against being deceived by the money worshipping powers behind these things. Be courageous, be informed. And when you have done all else; stand.

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Aleister Crowley and Adolf Hitler – The Ideology of Evil

Adolf Hitler and Aleister Crowley, the great black magicians of the 20th century, shared similar ideologies.  Their worldviews were influenced by the European occult movements of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century.  Informed by the ideas of Freemasonry and Theosophy, both of these significant personalities supported the doctrines of the survival of the fittest, the primacy of the human will and the ideal of a feudal slave state.

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The Christian Conspiracy Theorist – Part 1

There are very few folks who would consider themselves both a Christian, and a conspiracy theorist. The niche is limited and has been largely seen as a taboo for the Christian community. But my conviction is that these like minded Christians are some of the most “on fire” believers that we can find. This is largely due to the fact that these brothers and sisters in Christ have a clear picture of who the enemy is, and how he operates. 

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