
What’s Wrong With Christian Zionism? – A Simple Summary

Here’s a brief and simple summary of what’s wrong with Christian Zionism. By Brandee Gorsline Dispensationalism and the Christian Zionists it has created is possibly the biggest and mostly widely spread deception facing Christians today. (thanks to the Scofield bible). I don’t know of a single church that hasn’t fallen … Read More

An Appeal To My Preterist, Postmillennialist, Amillennialist, Reformed & Premillennial Historicist Brethren- Chuck Baldwin

By Chuck Baldwin February 6, 2020 Before I get to the main point: This column was written before the vote in the Senate to acquit Donald Trump of corruption charges took place—but it doesn’t matter. The verdict to acquit was made before the “trial” ever began. And as for the so-called … Read More

UN Comes Clean Admits Vaccine Death And Damage Cover Up

Aircrap Leaked Video! Head U.N. Scientist Admits Vaccines Are Killing People – Soumya Swaminathan, the Chief Scientist of the WHO, admitting in a secret meeting that vaccines kill people…. “I don’t think we can overemphasize the fact we really don’t have very good safety monitoring systems in many countries and … Read More

New Vaccination Information Card

The vaccination bullying has gotten out of hand. We need to step up awareness and help unsuspecting parents protect their children. This information card was put together by a good friend of mine. Feel free to download, print and share.


The believer who dares to question the officially accepted “truth” of Christian Zionism, Dispensationalism, Futurism & Premillennialism typically finds himself ostracized by his Christian friends as he begins the long arduous journey of dispelling a lifetime of indoctrination and  rebuilding his understanding final days prophecy and how to interpret events … Read More

Bitterness: the root

With all the holiday get-togethers and their trappings, this is sure timely! By C.A. Patin Makes complete sense when you think about it. When you are bitter, it will lead you to a bad place fast. That’s why it’s called the ROOT of bitterness. It is like a seed that … Read More

Santa Claus: The Great Imposter

“A wink of his eye, and a twist of his head, soon led me to know I had nothing to dread.” – Twas’ the Night Before Christmas, Clement C. Moore Just who is Santa Claus, really? Wasn’t he just a sweet old guy whose legend grew over time? What’s the … Read More

Trump’s Abominable, Reprehensible And Downright Tyrannical Executive Order

By Chuck Baldwin December 19, 2019 I’ll make this column short and to the point. Trump’s executive order—deceptively called “An Executive Order on Combating Anti-Semitism”—issued this past week, will empower the federal Department of Education to withhold funding to college campuses that do not squash anti-Israel rhetoric. In other words, it … Read More

Trumps Anti-Semitism Executive Order Marks the End of Free Speech

By Brandee Bowen Gorsline [excerpt] Trump declared Judaism to be a NATIONALITY, not a religion or set of beliefs….which makes ANY AND ALL criticism of the nation of Israel or the ruling elite globalists who run the nation AND any person who practices the mystical, sorcery, Kabbalah based RELIGION that … Read More

A Coming Theocracy: Christian Zionism, Domionism & Noahide Laws

Jason Charles is SPOT ON in what he has written here. I will be posting more about how the organized church is being “Judaized” including the move toward using “sacred names” for God (Yahuah, Yaheshua, Jehova… see my article about the Tetragrammaton on the home page.) These things are vitally … Read More

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