
The Men and Women Fighting Chemtrails

My video “Chemtrails a Christian Perspective” is featured on the DVD, The Men and Women fighting CHEMTRAILS. I was blessed with the opportunity to present a Christian Perspective of the worldwide crime that is still invisible to most people due to media propaganda and conditioning. *Interesting side note, in another example … Read More

Nano Health Solutions in a 21st Century AI World (Part II)

Science fiction has become science fact as occult-inspired technologies work to create a grid totally controlling all life on earth. People are largely unaware of, not only chemtrails and EMF dangers, but how these are designed to work together to bring the entire population to its knees. The horrors of … Read More

 Antenna Sickness Is Everywhere Now

Wi Cancer 2018 Educator Camilla Rees, MBA, discussing her project to measure ambient microwave radiation for clients in New York City, 2016:  “I went to measure the apartment on the first floor there and the man had throat cancer and as I got towards the corner bedroom, the levels [of audible … Read More

More False Flag Attacks Are Coming In Prelude To War With Syria And Iran

By Chuck Baldwin  August 30, 2018 While Democrats and Republicans are acting out their ongoing left-right charade for the distraction of the American people, the real agenda of the gamemakers in charge of both parties in Washington, D.C., progresses without notice. That agenda, of course, is WAR. Perpetual war is … Read More

Microwave Mind Control Symptoms & Published Evidence

Educate Yourself from 8/20/16 [Editor’s Note: The following report from Cheryl Welsh provides a listing of some of the reported symptoms of electronic microwave mind control technologies, published evidence of their existence, and demonstrated military interest and/or funding for these technologies. Many of these electronic mind control develpoments were perfected at … Read More

Executives From The Major Social Media Companies Gather To Plot “Strategy” For The 2018 Election

Regardless of the limited “right/left” paradigm presented in this piece, internet censorship will affect us all. EndOfTheAmericanDream | August 24, 2018 by Michael Snyder Is the social media crackdown on conservatives about to get even worse?  On Friday, representatives from Facebook, Google, Twitter, Microsoft, Snapchat and other major social media companies gathered … Read More

The Targeting of Suzanne Maher: Treason & Torture By Those Elected To Protect

CO A few weeks ago I heard that Suzanne Maher, the founder of was being electronically targeted (TI) but didn’t know the details. Yesterday we were able to connect by phone. Known for her courageous activism, integrity and kind heart, Suzanne is a highly visible personality in the worldwide effort to … Read More

Bone-Chilling Footage From Inside China Shows Raw Reality of Enslavement Tacitly Supported by Big Tech

Old-Thinker News | Aug. 27, 2018 By Daniel Taylor Chinese man describes the horror as best he can: “They’re eating our flesh and drinking our blood“. This is the system that big tech companies are bowing to. Apple and Google have created a dangerous precedent for both business and press … Read More

The Human Target – Directed Energy Weapons and Electronic Warfare

Liberty Beacon | by Suzanne Maher A subject that is getting more and more attention from people all over the world is deliberate electromagnetic targeting of people.  A neural rape or assault on people’s bodies and brains developed from classified military technology.  More often now, people are valiantly speaking out about … Read More

Judaized Christianity: Front for New World Order — Sen. McCarth

CO Henry Makow | August 25, 2018 A year before his death, Sen. Joseph McCarthy made the connection between Freemasonry, Communism, and Judaism. He cited British General Charles Cornwallis 1781 prophecy of the Masonic (Communist) takeover of America. “Cornwallis well knew that his military defeat was only the beginning of world … Read More

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