
How Big Wireless Made Us Think That Cell Phones Are Safe: A Special Investigation

The disinformation campaign—and massive radiation increase—behind the 5G rollout. By Mark Hertsgaard and Mark Dowie Things didn’t end well between George Carlo and Tom Wheeler; the last time the two met face-to-face, Wheeler had security guards escort Carlo off the premises. As president of the Cellular Telecommunications and Internet Association (CTIA), Wheeler was … Read More

Is Abortion Eugenics?

Consider this in light of the DNA damage currently being caused by EMFs, as represented by Cell Phones, Internet Routers, Smart Devices, Smart Meters and now 5G. by  Dr. John Ferrer Introduction The short answer to the title question: “Is Abortion Eugenics?” is: Yes, abortion (i.e., contemporary abortion-choice policy) can … Read More

It’s true: Government Kidnaps Children and Separates Them From Their Mothers…

The truth about “medical kidnapping” and forced vaccinations, chemotherapy Natural News 29 Jun 2018  Democrats, the mainstream media, and [others] are going berserk over reports about illegal alien children allegedly being separated from their illegal alien parents at the Mexican border, claiming that it represents a horrible and unprecedented injustice that blatantly … Read More

10 False New Age Ideas About God

Steven Bancarz| Who is God? How can we know God?  Are the Hindus right? What about the Christians, or the Buddhists?  And how do we know the right answer to any of these kinds of questions?  People, especially those involved in the New Age movement like I used to be, … Read More

“Close Proximity Microwave Radiation Antennas” in Palo Alto & Agenda 21

Hats off to the residents of Palo Alto and their heroic efforts to fight for their community and this crime against humanity. The time has come to stop quibbling over whether or not wireless radiation causes cancer (spoiler alert: it does) and start looking at the agenda behind these technologies. … Read More

No Longer Possible to Believe Much Clinical Research Published Says Journal of Medicine Editor

Aircrap Medical Clinical Studies Compromised…. by the Trillion dollar Medical Cartel. They are poisoning our children with a 1340% increase in vaccines 1962 vs 2016 vaccine schedule. [gview file=””] Editor of The New England Journal of Medicine “It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is … Read More

‘Smart’ meters: Admission of IN-HOME SURVEILLANCE FOR PROFIT

The Supreme Court says the fourth amendment applies to cell phone tracking. The Supreme Court handed down a landmark opinion today in Carpenter v. United States, ruling 5-4 that the Fourth Amendment protects cell phone location information. In an opinion by Justice Roberts, the Court recognized that location information, collected by cell providers … Read More

World Health Organization Says Transgender Identity No Longer a “Mental Health Disorder” – But Playing Too Many Video Games Is!

More evidence of a godless society gone mad. *As a side note to this article, here is the currently high profile activist, Tommy Robinson interviewing a transgender journalist. Zionists are controlling the far-right opposition to the Zionist engineered invasion of Europe. They play both sides. Trumpet Onine The World Health Organization’s international … Read More

Religion: The Opiate of the Masses

Christian Observer | Yvonne Nachtigal A common argument believers encounter is that Christianity is just another religion and religions were created to control the masses. History shows us that the second part of that argument is true; since the beginning of time, religion has absolutely been used by the elite … Read More

John MacArthur on Dispensationalism and The Blood of Jesus

The chief problem with dispensationalism is that it requires two plans of salvation, adding to the true gospel of Jesus Christ. Still, I was surprised to hear John McArthur’s comments about the blood of Jesus. WhoIsIsrael In certain circles, John MacArthur is revered as an “evangelical” icon. Listen to MacArthur’s … Read More

Rwanda Joins France and Outlaws the Use of Cell Phones in Schools So Students Can Concentrate on Education

As utility companies in the US continue their criminal roll out of Smart Meters on American homes, other countries are acknowledging the dangers of wireless technologies and and restricting their use, particularly around children. Activist Post | June 20, 2018 By B.N. Frank Announced last week in Rwanda, The Ministry of Education decided that primary … Read More

Natural Resources Defense Council Takes Action Against FCC Regarding 5G Small Cell Tower Installation

Activist Post June 19, 2018 Requesting Statements From Concerned Citizens By B.N. Frank The NRDC is challenging the legality of the March 30, 2018 Federal Communications Commission (FCC)  order exempting “small wireless facilities” from environmental review. According to Arthur Firstenburg from the Cell Tower Task Force, The NRDC is requesting statements be sent to them about … Read More

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