
“THE PULSE” Gay Club In “PET GOAT” 4 Years Ago! Orlando Mass Shooting

You can’t make this stuff up! For those who think that we who see the Florida nightclub shooting as a “false flag” event are insensitive and awful, maybe this video will get you thinking twice. What this video creator reveals here seems to indicate that the nightclub shooting is highly … Read More

Global Earth History

Plane Not A Planet 300 BC; Greek Philosophers Plato and Aristotle models Geocentric Theory with Earth as a Sphere. Aristotle publishes in his book “On the Heavens”. 200 BC; Greek Aristarchus of Samos placed Earth and other planets in motion around the central Sun but rejected by Aristotleans. 140 CE; Cladius Ptolemy of Alexandria devised complex … Read More

Bioengineered NanoFoods; A Multi-Billion Dollar Industry No One Know Anything About

APlaneTruth For over 15 years dangerous and deadly bioengineered NanoFood has been taken over our commercial and corporate food supplies. Unregulated, untested, Nanotechnology was a $One Trillion dollar market in 2014 while Engineered NanoFoods was said to be at $5.8 Billion in 2012. The nanotechnology in foods has been found … Read More

Former Hillsong Worship ‘Pastor’ Darlene Zschech Leading Followers to Rome

NTEB | Geoffrey Grider DARLENE ZSCHECH IS A PROMINENT VOICE IN THE CONTEMPORARY PRAISE MOVEMENT “Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,” 2 Corinthians 6:17 (KJV) Darlene Zschech started out as a  “worship pastor” at Hills Christian Life Centre, … Read More

RITUAL MAGIC IN ORLANDO – Truth About #ChristinaGrimmie – #OrlandoUnited – NWO

  Why does the band that #ChristinaGrimmie performed with right before her murder display and Alchemical symbol of phosphorus, or Lucifer? Could it be because her death and the massacre in Orlando is part of a grand satanic cosmic conspiracy? And how will the elite use these events to push their New … Read More

The Orlando Nightclub Shooting & the Media-Government Alliance

The government and media act as one. The whole media spectacle drove home the narrative that Islam and ISIS are anti-gay, and therefore anyone who questions homosexuality becoming the societal norm is a terrorist. Call it the “Homocaust.” All innocent victims are necessarily “good.” Henry Makow (left, Omar Mateen, alleged assassin)  The … Read More

The Pope and Hillsong Will Unite at “Together 2016” in Washington D.C.

Berean Examiner June 8, 2016 Today it was announced that Pope Francis would deliver a video message to help unite Christians in the “Next Great Awakening” at Together 2016, joining in the ecumaniacal gathering. Together 2016, also known as The Reset Movement, bringing together different religions in an effort to erase the lines … Read More

Florida Shooting – It’s Not Just About Gun Control: A Deeper Look at The Gay Rights Agenda

 (above – homosexual pedophile Jerry Sandusky) In yet another example of how the controlled media carries out and reports a scripted event to manipulate public opinion in support of their twisted agendas, we have another mass shooting (by a ‘lone gunman’ of course) in a gay bar in Florida to further gun … Read More

The Anti-Communitarian Manifesto

Communitarianism is a little understood yet vital piece of the puzzle when it comes to how the New World Order is being brought about. Here is a Corbett Report broadcast from 2012 with Niki Raapana, blogger, campaigner and author of The Anti-Communitarian Manifesto. We discuss the history of the communitarian philosophy, why … Read More

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