
California Fires – Insurance Companies Know About Weather – Electro-Magnetic Weapons

According to Aircrap writer, questions about directed energy weapons causing the bizarre California fires may be only the beginning of woes. Noting that: When in Tampa (1990’s) they constructed a food irradiation plant over sink holes 25 miles east of my home.  When looking at my home insurance policy, radiation damage … Read More

California Fires – DEW – Directed Energy Weapons

Aircrap Yes, this is the EXACTITUDE OF DESTRUCTION offered by AI (artificial intelligence) – run directed energy weapons attacks dependent upon our ionized, electrified atmosphere: structures gone, trees intact. For the military mind, it’s impressive, indeed. All the nano-aluminum particles in the buildings and soil after years of drought, years … Read More

Directed Energy Weapons Involved in Northern California Fires?

10/13/2017 | CO (Update 10/24, 2017 – links with information about these technologies at bottom of article) We are facing a new kind of terrorism; UNnatural Disaster Terrorism. With multiple eyewitness accounts of “blue flashes”, and scenes reminiscent of 9/11, the Northern California “wildfires” are as unnatural as can be. The … Read More


This article originally appeared on State of the Nation as False Flags are Legal Propaganda by the Department of Defense on January 18, 2016. WHY WOULD THE GOVERNMENT SUPPORT FALSE FLAG EVENTS? This question would go through our minds every time we would see a new false flag event plastered all over the media.  … Read More

UPDATED! 4th Floor Muzzle Flashes | Shooters in the Crowd | Evidence of Casualties (videos)

UPDATED 10-7-2017 Here are some videos showing muzzle flashes coming from lower floors of the hotel, rather than the 32nd. Shooter in the crowd? Although it’s becoming increasingly clear that this is another staged, false flag event, “false flag” doesn’t mean nobody got hurt or died. This is some evidence … Read More

Las Vegas “MASSACRE” Examined

Public attention continues to be on the recent Las Vegas event. An event being a “false flag” does not mean that there were no fatalities but they are typically misreported with the story constantly changing. Many, including myself, are scrutinizing this event and its agenda. Following are some excerpts from two Veterans Today articles. … Read More

World Wide Hurricanes, Floods, Forest Fires – Engineered Climate Chaos

In this comprehensive article, Suzanne Maher examines the recent super storms, evidences of the technology to control and steer the weather, as well as possible agendas. Not intending to create fear, but rather to bring awareness so that we are prepared as well as supportive of one another in this troubling time. … Read More

UPDATE: Health Attack “MYSTERY” in Cuba – Directed Energy Weapons

When you see the mainstream media parroting all the explanations the globalists have been beta testing in the alternative media rabbit hole, you’ll know we’ve reached the climax point. – Ken  UPDATE: 9/29/2017 State Department orders nonessential diplomats and families out of Cuba following mysterious attacks (CNN) The US State Department … Read More

Texan Citizen’s Take Over Rescue – Hurricane Harvey

As I posted yesterday, there’s a lot going on in Texas that the MSM is either not reporting or misreporting. Following is a collection of interviews with Matthew Short put together by Aircrap Boots on the ground reporting from  Matthew Short on Hurricane Harvey TX rescue efforts – Fed Gun Confiscation … Read More

Forgotten Victims of Hurricane Harvey

What an unimaginable mess. Please do not to send money to the Red Cross for any of these disasters, be it Harvey, Irma, Jose… or whatever is yet to come. They are not helping people. About this non-profit organization:                 … Read More

Satanic Fashion Show Inside a Church at London Fashion Week

“PROBLEM, REACTION, SOLUTION”, otherwise known as Hegel’s dialectic, is a method used to make changes that citizens would otherwise not accept. Create a PROBLEM – Prepare the public for a global police state grid, economic and military conflagration and a mass culling of the population. Manufacture a REACTION –  Advertise the … Read More

Television: The End of Critical Thought?

Yvonne Nachtigal | Christian Observer | Aug 4, 2017 Why are Americans passively allowing their freedoms to be increasingly compromised? Why are they, citizens of a “free country” submitting to high radiation full body scans without protest just to board an international flight, under the guise of a fabricated “War on … Read More

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