
Where’s Your Place in Jade Helm—Mastering the Human Domain

NWO anyone? We need to remember that God is astoundingly, immeasurably more powerful than any technology the fallen ones come up with! “…He who keeps you will not slumber” Ps 121:3b Activist Post | By Catherine J. Frompovich | July 5, 2015 After viewing this YouTube about how humans will … Read More

Independence Day

In The spirit of the holiday weekend, I thought I’d post the Declaration of Independence. Have you read it, in light of current events? Have a read, here it is: IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776. The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of … Read More

Push for massive depopulation by Vatican Speaker and California Governor in talk of ‘Planetary Court’ and removal of 6 billion people under new ‘Earth Constitution’ and ‘World Government’

…in talk of ‘Planetary Court’ and removal of 6 billion people under new ‘Earth Constitution’ and ‘World Government’ (NaturalNews) The depopulationists are on the move again, pushing hard for the elimination of six billion people on planet Earth in order to bring the planet down to what’s being touted as … Read More

“Asteroid” Impact Predicted for September 2015 Fake?

…For those who wish to see more evidence, I suggest you check out my videos “It’s About Time to Break the Spell” and “Weapons of Mass Deception”. In these videos I have CLEARLY demonstrated that the planes which supposedly went into the twin towers were holograms. Aluminum planes CANNOT fly … Read More

DNA Shaming Is Coming

James Corbett The International Forecaster Just when you thought you’d heard it all, along comes a story that knocks you from your horse. This week’s addition to the “We’re not in Kansas anymore” file comes from Hong Kong, where the “Hong Kong Cleanup” initiative has found an innovative way to … Read More

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