
Mad Science – Genetically Farmed ‘Micro Humans’ Could Be Farmed For Drug Testing By 2017

HHA | 10/2/2014 Eliminating disease with vaccines is the first step in controlling the fate of human biology. Many of us have already accepted we will ultimately be “chipped” as a matter of economic and medical convenience under State managed health care.  ELIMINATING THE UNFIT THROUGH MEDICAL BIO-ENGINEERING Chemtrails The Exotic Weapon … Read More

Ray Comfort Raising Money For New Film On Homosexuality

HHA Christian evangelist Ray Comfort plans to release a movie next year that will address the controversial topic of homosexuality from a biblical perspective. Ray Comfort, founder of the apologetics ministry Living Waters, has produced a number of film projects in recent years, including the phenomenally successful abortion documentary “180.” … Read More

Insight Into The True Purpose Of Chemtrails

(Photo Credit- Steve Quayle) HHA | 9/16/2014 Deaths Coloring Book – (Sky Devils) Visit Steve Quayle By Live Free or Die The amazing photographs below were emailed this morning to Susan Duclos of All News Pipeline by Steve Quayle, who recently took them over his home in Bozeman, Montana, 30 minutes after posting 2 chemtrail/smart dust articles. … Read More

Chemtrail Truthers Unite, a call to arms…

HHA | 9/16/2014 Here is an update after the widespread response to Dr Toran’s post “They Are Killing Us With Chemtrails In Switzerland“. (BIN) Dear friends and chemtrail truthers around the world, my name is Dr Alev Toran and I am a Swiss chiropractor and author of the post, “They are killing … Read More

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