
It’s All Kabbalah – Another Book About “Mysteries” By Jonathan Cahn

(from August 2016) Now that Jonathan Cahn has trained to search their Bibles for hidden messages, he has come out with his third book; “The Book of Mysteries.” Does the Bible contain “mysteries,” hidden codes and dates for Christians to distract themselves searching out? Absolutely not! That is a thoroughly … Read More

Chemtrails: A Christian Perspective

UPDATE* August 2, 2018 In addition to apathy, as I conclude in the video, the dispensational/premillennial interpretation of prophecy was created to gain christian support of the physical state of British Israel and condone the terrorist activities and race hatred of Zionism. Ultimately this will lead to an embracing of … Read More

The New Covenant And The Sabbath / Hebrew Roots Movement & Seventh Day Adventism

If you prefer to read rather than watch a video, here is a link to the pdf.   Get this video in book form at Amazon:… This film is a detailed study of the bible about the concept of the Sabbath. As the Sabbath cannot be full understood without a good … Read More

Destructive Cabalist Dogma Dooms Humanity

(above, ISIS, latest Illuminati masterpiece) This is an important article if you want to understand the core belief system of those behind the New World Order. Destructive Cabalist Dogma Dooms Humanity by Dr Henry Makow  Ph.D Why do the Illuminati start wars ? As Cabalists (Freemasons,) they are determined to destroy the social order … Read More

Cabala – The Core Of Society’s Obsession With Sex

(above, Cabalist Jew Sigmund Freud, taught sexual wantonness is normal and healthy. Self-control is “repression.”) Just as homosexuals use promiscuity to compensate for loss of healthy intimacy between a man and a woman, the Illuminati want heterosexuals to compensate for loss of God. Cabala – How Sex Became our Religion Updated from … Read More

Was the United States Created to Advance Global Tyranny?

The quotes presented in this article should cause the thinking person to reconsider what they’ve been taught and think they understand about US History as well as the current fascination in the church with Judaism (Hebrew Roots/Harbinger/Shemitah…). Illuminati Created the US to Advance NWO You blind guides. You strain out … Read More

A Project Monarch Welcome to Mexico for the Pope?

  The symbolism in this Welcome to Mexico for the Pope is quite disturbing to anyone who knows anything about Monarch Mind Control. Obvious to the average person are the appearance of “demons” on the backs of the monarch butterfly costumes worn by the children. According to the article (link … Read More

Albert Pike III World Wars

I find it amazing how accurately these words depict what we currently see going on. The manufactured hatred of Islam through CIA funded acts of terrorism and the it’s demonization by the MSM and Christian groups alike. We need to pay closer attention. The media and it’s sway of public … Read More

The Source of Church Apathy (in search of)

  Lately my ongoing search for answers to the question of apathy in the church toward the advancement of the New World Order and all it’s associated poisonings, mind control, sciences, false spiritual teachings, etc, has continually led me to events that took place in the 19th century. Initially I … Read More

The Pope Wants You to Pray for a One World Religion

This is the closest you are going to get to a commercial for the one world religion they want to enact. PS – here’s the original Pope vid: Funny they want to bring the world together to “have a discussion” but they’ve closed comments for the video. *Note: In regard to … Read More

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